Skin care advice for Mums by Norfolk skin expert Louise Thomas-Minns

Skin care advice for Mums by Norfolk skin expert Louise Thomas-Minns- Guest blog 2017



Let me start by saying that I get it. I'm a working Mum & have all the associated guilt that comes when you take ANY time out for yourself! So I'm not being unrealistic when I write this post for you but it's SO Important to take even just 3 minutes morning & night to care for your skin. I am blessed to have a supportive husband which has meant I have always taken this time out however difficult that has been & it reboots me as a person & a Mum.

As a skin therapist for the last 22 years I have treated thousands of faces & a lot of those are Mums. I'm always asked how can I care for my skin when I have limited time? So let me give you my 5 top tips for skin care as a busy Mum...

  1. It really doesn't have to take that long! 3 minutes is my guide. 1 minute for cleansing, 1 minute for serums/eye products & 1 minute to massage, yes massage, your moisturiser in...& that's it!
  2. If like me you get to the 4-7pm time, which any Mum knows can be the toughest time of the day, then get your routine done as soon as your little one/s are in bed rather than leaving it till after you've finished your chores/dinner time & are too shattered, wanting to just fall into bed. I even sometimes do mine when Maggie is in the bath, she likes to watch & join in.
  3. If you feel your time is limited then the most important time of the day is the evening for your routine. Make sure that if all else fails you do a double cleanse to take the day off & thoroughly cleanse the skin & get your moisturiser on.
  4. Get some mask therapy in by sleeping in your mask. Cleanse the skin & apply your mask of choice & leave it on until you wash it off in the morning. (NB This works best if it is a hydrating mask since leaving clay based masks on overnight can be too drawing.)
  5. Invest in a treatment serum! If you're concerned with the signs of sleep deprivation showing then a serum will absorb deeper into the skin & have more active ingredients. Look for Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid, Retinol & Tazman pepper berry.



Louise Thomas-Minns is a Celebrity skin therapist & the founder of the U & your skin facial. Her signature skin care range; Louise Thomas Skin care, launches Spring 2018.

To read more guest blogs click here :)

Pregnancy diaries - due date how to bring on labour?

Pregnancy diaries - due date how to bring on labour? 2017

Week 39/40, and so due date / d-day passes by in the blink of an eye. No sign of labour just one big, solid bump sticking out of my tum threatening to be there for another week (that's my prediction).


All celebrations in the Mills household have ceased. My baby shower being the last. I now am at a loss with no food prep, baking, setting up or washing up!

What's left for me to do then? Beautify of course! Thanks to The Barns Beauty Rooms for my lovely lash extensions. At least my eyes will look reasonably with it after labour. Nails are next, although that's a job for me which will probably involve having to paint Jasmine's too in some shade of pink. Hair is tidy so just need to make sure I make the effort each day to avoid having to arrive at the birthing unit in a fluffy mess looking like Marg Simpson! Of course none of this matters in the slightest. The most important thing is that Baby M arrives safe and sound. I just need to be occupied because clearly I'm not with a 3 year old!

Packing and re-packing my hospital bag is ongoing. Mainly because the sweets need replenishing. Yes, I'll own up to demolishing them the other day. I'm a sucker for fruity jelly sweets!

To counteract the sweet binges I have managed to keep swimming, although I think some of the staff are slightly nervous I'm going to pop when they're on duty! I've also been to Spring gymnastics with Jasmine. Admittedly I tried bouncing a little on the trampoline but nothing occurred.

Batch cooking is done so we have a few meals ready in the freezer, although in my mind it's not the end of the world as Andy does a mean chicken en-croute and part of me feels it's his time to shine in the kitchen ;0) He may have other ideas though.

Back to the matter in hand. When is Baby Mills coming into the world on her due date ? and what natural methods can I try to bring on labour? This is what we've tried so far ... Reflexology by the lovely Ursula Walker at The Alison Rostron Treatment Centre, followed by curry for dinner at 40 weeks, indoor fireworks 40+1 and a walk to the park at 40+2. Not a sausage of movement. Next on the list is pineapple and roast dinner (this is what I had before labour started with Jasmine) so watch this space!





to book in your newborn shoot or have a chat about your photography needs please contact me here

Pregnancy diaries - 31/32 weeks pregnant third trimester

Pregnancy diaries - 31/32 weeks pregnant third trimester 2017

I am now in my third trimester and this week I had the lovely job of being a superhero in our swimming lesson at the Waterbabies Splashathon, raising money for Tommys.

It got me thinking, if you were a superhero what superpowers would you have. Mine would have to be 'pop off' powers. At the click of your fingers, you could be anywhere - a sun-kissed tropical island, feeding monkeys in the jungle or simply snuggled in bed! To me that would be amazing, however, us girls already have a superpower and that's to grow humans! Believe me, that's not something I've taken for granted as for some it's not always a given but when it happens it's the strangest and most wonderful thing all rolled into one. In fact, I've decided the third trimester is the hardest on the body. Alright, the sickness and nausea (if you experience it) in the first trimester is pretty grim and the second trimester brings with it tiredness and growth spurts but everything is gradual. The third trimester, on the other hand, seems to have everything rolled into what feels like a short 3 months. Your body is managing your extra weight, as well as your growing baby constantly moving around. You may have uncomfortable legs or swollen ankles, a sore back or pelvis, a glucose intolerance, low iron levels, I could go on! And to top it all your emotions don't know if they're coming or going! You're also mentally preparing to birth, organising your hospital bag and a nursery all while carrying on your daily routine. I feel cream crackered just thinking about it!


In fact I've decided the third trimester is the hardest on the body. Alright, the sickness and nausea (if you experience it) in the first trimester is pretty grim and the second trimester brings with it tiredness and growth spurts but everything is gradual. The third trimester, on the other hand, seems to have everything rolled into what feels like a short 3 months. Your body is managing your extra weight, as well as your growing baby constantly moving around. You may have uncomfortable legs or swollen ankles, a sore back or pelvis, a glucose intolerance, low iron levels, I could go on! And to top it all your emotions don't know if they're coming or going! You're also mentally preparing to birth, organising your hospital bag and a nursery all while carrying on your daily routine. I feel cream crackered just thinking about it!

I've been relatively well during this pregnancy but have just experienced a two-day taster of Baby M being in the most uncomfortable position ever. Possible breach, I'm not sure but it felt like I had broken ribs, chronic neck and shoulder pain and flu. Oh and 3lb of baby weight pushing down. I spent a day in bed and then trying to mobilise Baby M through stretching and moving on my gym ball. It worked thank goodness. I can't imagine feeling like that for the rest of my pregnancy. Fingers crossed that's not coming back.

From a family perspective, Andy has been an absolute trouper. He puts up with my completely mushed baby brain and helps out when he can after a long day in the big smoke. We haven't quite got to the rubbing feet and massage stage yet but it's coming. I hope ;0). If not I'm sure Jasmine will help do that! In fact, she's been talking about her little sister a lot. Allocating toys and clothes she's going to give her and looking forward to playing and doing cartwheels with her. Cute!

I've been reading my hypnobirthing notes to get set for our birthing workshop run by the lovely Jackie Heffer-Cooke of The Orange Grove Clinic. I'm looking forward to feeling in control of my birth which up until now I've felt a little anxious about. This pregnancy has been different to the first in many ways and I feel apprehensive. Still, only time will tell. I'll let you know how the Birthing Toolkit workshop went next time. Now I'm grabbing 5mins to put my feet up while Jasmine is sleeping!



click here to read Ali's other blogs , we can't wait for the next installment.

pregnancy and coronavirus

Pregnancy diaries - 29/30 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy diaries - 29/ 30 weeks pregnant 2017


wheredo I start? It's been a mixed bag of things this past couple of weeks really. My emotions have been heightened and I've had a couple of teary moments for no particular reason. I had news from the midwife that my iron levels have dropped a little low which made me feel pants, but I've sprung into action and am eating beans and spinach at every meal. Fingers crossed that does the trick. Andy's suggestion to boost my intake was to make sure I get the ironing board out every day.  #joker #nochance


Jasmine has now finished nursery for the summer, which brought a tear to my eye and it struck me that I need a plan of action to keep her busy, as well as making sure I can put my feet up. Yeah right! Luckily the local Children's Centres have holiday activities we can get involved with as well as pottering at home. Oh we've already started with baking! Plus I need to get Jasmine riding her bicycle by the end of the summer so I can avoid getting a double buggy.














Birthing has also been on my mind which for some reason I feel a little apprehensive about. Entirely no reason to as I had a lovely birthing experience with Jasmine. I know once we have our hypnobirthing refresher and Jackie Heffer-Cooke has worked her magic I'll be focused and feel more at ease with my S-breathing and feather breathing!

I feel a little bit out on a limb in that people assume because you've had one child you'll be fine with another. No doubt I will but I still want to do some new things so I've signed up for pregnancy aqua with Babyfit which kicks off next week. As well as having some 'me' time I'm looking forward to being around other pregnant women. #watermumma

Baby names are still bubbling around and we've been talking about what baby M will look like. I have everything crossed that if nothing else she will have curly hair like mine. Only time will tell! I'm also hoping she's not gonna be such a sicky baby like Jasmine was. I can't think how many muslins we got through a day!

On a more practical note, we've sorted the nursery and have unearthed all the baby grows and clothes that we kept of Jasmines. Nothing like recycling!

I'm now equipped with a birthing ball and foam roller which have helped to ease my creaking body. Pelvic pain has been manageable but I've had days this week where I've felt really 'low down' and achy. I'm sure a lot of you mums out there can relate to this, especially second time round. It's all slightly more puffy 😉 Plus the third trimester is growing time so with baby M at around 1.5kgs extra weight on top of that is bound to put the pressure on!

Here's to another 12 weeks of growing that special little girl of ours. (Officially 10 but the mills-o-meter says 12). #cantwaittomeetbabyM

Read Ali's other instalments here



Pregnancy diaries part 5 - guest blog

Pregnancy diaries part 5 -  guest blog 2017

First things first who said pregnant women can't have fun? I decided to squeeze myself onto Jasmine's new scuttle bug toy. Andy found it amusing when he saw me whizzing, well not quite, round the drive!


We've also been having a laugh about Couvade syndrome and that now he's thinking he may have experienced Braxton hicks contractions too! #takingempathytoofar

Third trimester and my bump has definitely grown. Baby M has stepped up a gear and it feels like she's doing interval training. As if growing and carrying a baby for 28 weeks isn't tiring enough! At least we know she's developing her muscles and will be super toned when she arrives into the world.

On the flip side of that my movements are snails pace and frequent trips to the toilet are becoming tedious, especially when there's only a tiny trickle! I've also visited the physio for some advice about the pelvic girdle pain I'm getting. Nothing debilitating but wanted some reassurance that its not going to get progressively worse and interfere with birth or a previous prolapsed disc. The good news is it shouldn't and I have some exercises to do plus a sexy little belly band to use if I need to!


I've also endured a remedial massage from Clare Corcoran  at Rowan House Health and Wellbeing  which has helped ease my aches and pains. Oh to be weightless, permanently floating in a pool.

And on that note I'm off swimming for some me time. I may even have a cheeky hot chocolate afterwards! #thejoysofpregnancy

check Ali other pregnancy diaries in my blogs for me , and  follow her journey throgh her second pregancy !



guest blogger Nofolk

Sex after Birth- Norwich Guest Blogger DabbourPhysio 

Sex after Birth- Norwich Guest Blogger DabbourPhysio 2017

Sex after Birth- Norwich Guest Blogger DabbourPhysio -Two of the most common questions I get when doing postnatal Women’s Health check-ups or Healthy Mummy Assessments are ‘when can I start to have sex again?’ and ‘when will I be ready to have sex after birth?’.

While the questions are similar, there is a slight difference and I often reflect on how birth is both a physiological and psychological experience. This overlap can be seen in the two questions above and hence, the answer is also interconnected.

To begin, the pure physiological changes are usually obvious and understandable; they usually include a combination of pain, bruising, minor bleeding, problems with scars from an episiotomy, healing/scars of tears or a C-Section. Increased or decreased sensation is also common as well as issues caused by a weakened pelvic floor, which if you are unlucky, can lead to temporary problems with incontinence and other dysfunctions. Other physiological aspects are also increased volume of the breasts due to breastfeeding (which often cause sensory changes both good and bad).


guest blogger Nofolk sex after birth


Now that I’ve made you all scared, I also want to say that you are unlikely to have all, if any, of the problems above and most of all, they can all be helped and rehabilitated with time – do not worry or stress, healing is a normal part of having a baby.

The second issue, where physiological and psychological experiences overlap is the hormone levels inherent in having a baby – early on after birth your hormones are still likely to be high, and this can cause, among many other things, vaginal dryness that will remain until your body has stabilised itself – something that may take a while. This change in hormones are also linked to the ‘baby blues’, or intermittent moodiness, sadness or irritability that may come along in the weeks after birth. Needless to say, both of these will slow down your ability and desire to have sex.

Then there are pure psychological effects – the shift (mainly by others) from woman to ‘mother’, no longer being centre of care and attention, and often a sense of loneliness once partners and family return to their own lives while yours have changed. Many women also find a conflict in being a woman and a mother at the same – post-partum body, emotional ups and downs, lack of personal time all add up to fight against feeling sexy or desirable, both important elements to having sex.

This is all a mighty cocktail of potential things that may make you hesitant, scared and struggling to desire to have sex. On top of this, there is the stress of taking care of a new-born and the tiredness it brings.

So… when can I start to have sex again and when will I be ready to have sex again?

To answer it to the best of my ability from a Women’s Health Physiotherapy point of view:

  1. The first bit of advice is medical and it is to wait until you stopped bleeding. This usually takes a few weeks, but there is a lot of variation. (If bleeding continues past 4 weeks, see your GP.)
  2. Second advice is to trust yourself and your instincts. If it feels good and ok, it probably is. There is nothing to stop you from having sex before your 6 week check if you feel it works for you.
  3. However, don’t rush and be prepared to take a step back, slow down and try again later – particularly if there is pain or you feel fearful of the idea. This is not a defeat or something to feel bad about; it is just part of the healing process. At a minimum you’d expect at least three weeks of healing if you had any tears or an episiotomy but it might take longer before you are comfortable and it feels natural.
  4. Do not fear it – it will get better, I promise. Fear avoidance is common and that can become an issue in itself, adding to the psychological impact of birth, making women feel inadequate or that something is wrong. Talk to your partner about what you are feeling.
  5. Intimacy and sex is looking after yourself – do prioritise it for you own sake. If you liked sex before there is no reason you won’t get back to it – but it might just require some work. Think about what made you ‘tick’ before – that probably hasn’t changed very much and take it from there.
  6. Along the same lines, intimacy takes many forms and while penetration might not be possible early on, don’t make this stop you from being intimate with your partner in other ways – find what works for you and build up from there. Many find massages a good way to share an intimate moment (see below) and allow for a slow build to normality.
  7. You are likely to experience vaginal dryness of some form – again, nothing wrong with you, just a hormonal effect. There are moisturising creams to help with this in daily life, and for sex be sure to use a good lubricant that works for you (I’m partial to Liquid Silk but everyone is different – try and see what works for you) and if you really struggle with dryness, please discuss with your doctor as there are prescription medicines that can help.
  8. To help with scar tissue, sensory issues and pain on contact, do start to massage your perineum (and if relevant, your C-section scar) any suitable moisturiser/oil/lubricant as soon as you have healed. This is also something your partner can do for you and provide you both with intimacy.
  9. Once you are comfortable with penetration, massaging your pelvic floor before intercourse may help to increase comfort. See this pdf for a description and use lube. Again, something your partner can do!
  10. Vary your positions during intercourse – many women report some positions being much better than others. It can depend on your particular scar tissue, any perineum injuries and in what position your pelvic floor is most relaxed.
  11. If you had third degree tears or worse, liaise closely with your GP/Gynaecologist/WH Physiotherapist as these can require some more healing and some other adjustments – regardless, it is just a matter of extra time rather than something being wrong forever.
  12. Laugh about it and fall in love with your vagina again. Don’t be afraid to have a look as it is often not as bad as you think. Sex may be stop-start, it may take a while to get there and it may require lots of preparation. All part of the process. You’ll get there.


Hope this helped! If you are struggling, please don’t be afraid to seek advice – it is what we are here for. I am based in Norwich, please let me know if you have any questions let me know or visit my website for more information.

For some other reading on related topics, please check out the following posts:

Pelvic Floor Gadgets and Aids

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

Post Pregnancy Exercise

Hip Pain During Pregnancy

DabbourPhysio is a Norwich-based Physiotherapy Clinic specialising in Women's Health and Musculoskeletal problems, rehabilitation Yoga and Pilates classes as well as Hypnobirthing and Antenatal workshops.

The current Pregnancy and Postnatal classes run on Tuesday afternoons in Norwich. The Physiotherapy rehabilitation classes, YogaPhysio and PhysioPilates, are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in Norwich, Noroflk.

DabbourPhysio also offer the Healthy Mummy Assessment, a postnatal check-up again in Norwich and this can help reduce the risk of having problems later in life as a result of giving birth.


My other guest blogs can be found here.

guest blogger pregnancy

Pregnancy blog - third trimester

Pregnancy blog - third trimester: 2017

After having a nauseating first trimester which trickled into the second, I find myself in the third trimester with only fourteen weeks till Baby M arrives, unless she decides to make us wait! I can now say I'm finally enjoying being pregnant!

third trimester blog

The past two weeks have been busy with lots of fun stuff. Andy and I enjoyed a grown up trip to London, wahoo. We've been to the beach, visited Pensthorpe and completed a toddle for Banardos with nursery. Tiring as it is I'm also still working which I plan to do till I can no longer get close to the table to massage! I will say the fun stopped momentarily when I had a meltdown about not having a bikini that fitted just as I was going to take Jasmine swimming. She looked at me and said 'Oh mummy!'

For those that know me I am reasonably endowed, however I've recently been told that to accompany my growing bump my boobies have become ginormous! Judging by the message Andy left me the other day it's all fine though (see pic)! Oh and we did make it to swimming in the end.

As I understand it, at this point in pregnancy/ thirs trimester the amniotic fluid has reduced making any baby movement felt. I'd definitely agree with that as I can feel all the moves she makes! Her pattern of movements seem to be early morning and late evening with some added squirms when I eat or if she hears Andy and Jasmine talking! She's definitely sensitive to noise.

We had a check in with the midwife and heard that lovely whooshing sound of baby M's heartbeat. I also had the usual blood pressure and urine sample checks too, both of which were fine. My speech on the other hand has utterly gone to pot. I can't get my words out, forget what I'm saying and sometimes can't even think of the right words to say. Baby brain has kicked in. Luckily that's not something checked by the midwife!

Sleeping in the heat has been bearable. I think the worst part is turning over. I feel and probably look like, a beetle when they're stuck wriggling on their backs! I'm sure there'll come a time when I actually can't right myself!

Cravings are still non-existent but I'm enjoying the freedom to eat icecream when I fancy it. A gelato in Southwold was pretty lush at the weekend after paddling in the sea and lunch at The Nelson pub (one of Andy's favs). A pre-Father's Day treat.

third trimester blog

Here's to another two weeks of pregnancy mayhem! Oh and Happy Father's Day to all daddies out there.!

to read all of Ali's other fabulous guest blogs from her first trimester to her third !



Norfolk Blogger - Pregnancy diary part 4 : baby names?

Norfolk Blogger - Pregnancy diary part 4 : baby names? 2017

Week 24 and its all about baby names! 

In the words of Will Smith 'Summer, summer, summertime' or should it be Nellie 'It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes!' Don't worry I've not felt that hot yet despite the temperatures soaring these past couples of weeks. Even though us pregnant ones have more blood pumping around our bodies, something like 50% more than pre-pregnancy, I'm lucky I've not been affected by the heat. In fact I love it! Ask me again in another 10 weeks and it may be a different story!

pregnancy blog baby names

Pelvic girdle pain, on the other hand, is becoming an annoyance. Nothing major and I remember having it very briefly when I carried Jasmine as I joked with my husband saying I had a cracked pelvis. Luckily it only lasted a couple of weeks. This time round I don't have severe pain just more of a bruised sensation to the left of my pelvis. Self-massage has helped, along with thinking I'm a mermaid and keeping my legs as close together as possible!

I've contended with half-term which before Jasmine I really didn't have a clue about as I had no reason to. That said we've had a great time. A trip to the zoo, continuous play, some paddling pool fun oh and role play to the point of feeling that I'm living in a Disney princess world with friends called Belle, Aurora, Tiana and Moana, I think you've got the picture.

baby namesbaby names

At the beginning of last week, I had a 'birth' moment. Yeah, I've done it once already but I still think you should treat it as your first. I don't want to be complacent and want to do all I can to have a comfortable birthing experience like the first. I'm not kidding myself though that all births are the same. If my pregnancy is anything to go by I definitely need to be prepared. Being a massive advocate of hypnobirthing I've booked onto a refresher course in July with Jackie Heffer-Cooke based in Norfolk at The Orange Grove. Having already done the full course I cannot recommend it enough. At the end of the day, we're made to give birth. Our bodies instinctively know what to do and it's our mind that needs to work with our body rather than against it. My husband also found it gave him a purpose and how as a couple we could work together during the birth. He also loved the breathing techniques as they helped his sleep no end! I'm sure I'll talk more about birthing again so I will move on to the important matter of names.

Baby names: Do we go traditional, alternative or unusual? Decisions decisions. If you've got any suggestions let me know. Jasmine has come up with baby names Emily, Poppy, Gracie, Maui, and Izzy but I don't think we're quite on board with all her suggestions. 'Maui' the demigod of Hawaii in Moana, doesn't feel right for a baby girl! That's as far as we've got with names but I'm sure we'll toy with more ideas as the pregnancy progresses.

Only 16 weeks left to go! Here's to another fun packed couple of weeks.

You can read Ali's other guest blogs here - happy reading or to book a shoot at my baby studio in Norfolk contact me today!

Baby Photographer

Looking for a baby photographer to capture your newborn’s first few months?

Baby Photographer Norfolk Blog: 2017

Looking for a baby photographer in Norfolk to capture your newborn’s first few months? 

 As every parent will tell you, those first few months of a child’s life will fly by in an instant. Before you know it, your newborn will be crawling, walking, talking and heading off to nursery. Capturing this unique time in photos won’t just give you precious memories to look back on, it will also give your child an important and beautiful record of their very first days, weeks and months. If you’re currently searching for a talented baby photographer in Norwich, here’s what to look out for to ensure you get images that capture the unique personality and beauty of your baby.


Choose a photographer with experience

 As you probably know by now, taking photos of newborn babies isn’t always easy. Most newborns sleep for the majority of the day, and if they’re not asleep, they’re often feeding, being winded or being changed. Taking a beautiful image that captures the personality of your baby takes time, patience, understanding, and skill, so it’s important you choose a photographer who knows exactly what they’re doing. And though all babies will react in a slightly different way – and you can’t always guarantee they’ll play ball - an experienced photographer will be able to get the best out of your baby and take photos you’ll be able to treasure forever.

baby photographer

Photographing newborns

 Newborns are typically brought into the studio when they’re between 5-14 days, I photograph newborns up to 3 weeks old and then offer a mini newborn shoot for 4-12 week old babies. In those early days, babies have that distinctive newborn look, (little flakes of skin, button noses, wispy hair) something that’s wonderful to photograph. Often, newborns will be photographed asleep. Though you may also want images of them with their eyes open, sleeping photos make wonderful mementos and will look great on your wall for years to come.

As parents of newborns will know, it can take a while to get a brand new baby settled when they’re in a new environment. That’s why it’s a good idea to book a shoot that’s at least two hours long. As well as making the experience more relaxed, this helps to ensure you’ll get great images even if your baby is a little unsettled for part of the shoot, the photographer's job is to soothe and settle making this your chance to enjoy a hot cuppa.



 When looking for a baby photographer in Norfolk, it’s a good idea to book a photographer who’s happy to take images of your older children too. That way you can ensure all the family feel included in the occasion and capture priceless images of your babies together.

To find out more about newborn photography in the Norwich area, give me a call/ email or take a look through my newborn galleries.




Guest blog : Pregnancy diary part 2 Ali Mills - 20 week scan

Guest blog : Pregnancy diary part 2 Ali Mills - 20 week scan - we welcome Ali back for another installment of her pregnancy journey!


What's happened since I last put fingers to keyboard.

I've bought dungarees, started moving more and found out we're having a .... ?


guest blogger scan


Well, first of all let's get priorities straight. I've joined the dungaree club and bought two pairs! Sooo comfy I'm practically living in them. I've managed to kick myself into gear and started yoga with Debbie Bagley, Babyfit at Rowan House Wellbeing Centre. Love it! I've not been able to get to a pregnancy yoga class because of various commitments so my little hour of breathing and stretching on a Tuesday morning is fab. It's been particularly helpful for stabilising my pelvis as I think it's starting to feel the strain. Swimming has been a blessing too. You can't beat that feeling of weightlessness until you have to drag yourself out, then you feel like a sack of potatoes! The main thing is my energy is back thank goodness and I can go a whole day without sitting down for a nap. Tiredness drifts in and out but that happens pregnant or not! Headaches have been uncomfortable and come and go but I think it depends what I'm doing and how hydrated I'm keeping. It's amazing how much growing tiny humans zap out of you, let alone the ones already here!

It's felt like a complete age waiting for our second scan (20 weeks) to come round. Bubs has been kicking  but I want to make sure all is ok, plus not knowing the gender is killing me! So the moment came on Thursday. We had a late appointment just to eek the wait out a bit more. We finally made it and I lay on the bed. Jasmine wasn't particularly impressed with the amount of ultrasound gel the sonographer used, however loved seeing the baby wave and then waved back! It never ceases to amaze me how much detail you see on a scan. The heart pumping away, brain a butterfly shape and the spine moving as the baby moves. Totally mind blowing. My husband can't get his head round the fact I have, in effect, two hearts, two brains, twenty toes etc. Plus he says he's suffering from Couvade syndrome. I'll let you google this one. Makes me chuckle!




Once all the checks were done and measurements made we found out the gender. Drum roll ... we're having another little girl despite me feeling sure it was a boy! Jasmine is over the moon as she wanted a sister. Andy and I are chuffed to bits although I'm contemplating what it'll be like with two girls. He's slightly more relaxed about it as he'll be at work most of the time! It means we're pretty set up for clothes, although I'm still gonna buy that first newborn outfit. Just got to be done.

So, twenty weeks and half way there. It'll be bump growing time now and continuing to keep myself fit and well. Plus I've volunteered to be a bump for the sonography school training so I'll get to see little Miss Mills a bit more. Exciting!