The power of the placenta guest blog Cherished Placentas

The power of the placenta - Placenta pills in Norfolk 2018

Thinking of finding someone who provides placenta pills in Norfolk ? Read on to find out more. You go to the antenatal classes (or you don’t) you watch one born every minute, movies with the call for hot water and towels and you, as a first-time, second time, third time mum (as so many of us do) don’t question any further once the baby is placed on your chest.

From where I sit now (– ahem, next to my placenta dehydration station) I’ll be asking ‘WHAT ABOUT THE PLACENTA??’

But what about the placenta…. A question I never would have asked before my second child...

What is a placenta?

Oh, only a sustainable, life perpetuating, all giving organ supplying all mammals with the essentials they need to grow and develop in the womb…. Only an organ that a female mammal grows from scratch when pregnant. It is so crucial through pregnancy in sustaining life it seems madness that it is removed as ‘toxic waste’ when through the ages so many cultures and remedies have relied on it, cherished it and treated it to rituals that demonstrate its vital place in the life cycle. Most importantly for me why is it ignored when women who have in this day, age and country chosen to go down the placentophagy road, report incredible results.

Up to the point of my second child, I was armed with only this information:

That in the third stage of birth, once my beautiful baby is placed on my chest I’ll birth the placenta, after it has detached from the uterine wall and it will be removed by a midwife. A vague wave of the hand as you’re told you’ll need to inform the midwife as to whether you’d like an injection to help that second birthing process along. That’s it. For many this is ok and the idea of utilising the placenta makes them squeamish and don’t want to give it a second thought.

Now I’m more armed with information, and it’s that information, I started this blog with, that leads me to ask this question of our current, cultural dismissal of the placenta. Because I’m a placenta specialist and I care about what happens.

I write this in my office next to the room where I blend, dehydrate, powder encapsulate and prepare placentas for the next stage of their ‘giving’ life force. Since trying it myself I like to think of myself as a magician of the placenta, creating magic from these incredible and life supporting organs. It’s fascinating, it’s beautiful and I’m aware you may think I’m bonkers, but I’ve seen the results and I’ve experienced them myself and it’s this that drives me to make others aware because it changed my second child experience in the most positive and beautiful way possible.

So, let’s start at the beginning – just what is a placenta… The following information is taken straight from the NHS website:

The placenta is an organ attached to the lining of your womb during pregnancy.

It keeps your unborn baby's blood supply separate from your own blood supply, as well as providing a link between the two. The link allows the placenta to carry out functions that your unborn baby can't perform for itself.

The placenta is connected to your baby by the umbilical cord. Your baby is inside a bag of fluid called the amniotic sac, which is made of membranes.

What does the placenta do?

Oxygen and nutrients pass from your blood supply into the placenta. From there, the umbilical cord carries the oxygen and nutrients to your unborn baby. Waste products from the baby, such as carbon dioxide, pass back along the umbilical cord to the placenta and then into your bloodstream, for your body to dispose of them. (**note from me here - it doesn’t store these waste products it transports them)

Towards the end of your pregnancy, the placenta passes antibodies from you to your baby, giving them immunity for about three months after birth. However, it only passes on antibodies that you already have.

What happens after my baby is born?

After your baby is born, more contractions will push the placenta out through the vagina.

Your midwife will offer you a medicine to stimulate your contractions and help push the placenta out. They'll inject the medicine into your thigh just as the baby is born. It makes your womb contract so the placenta comes away from the wall of your womb. This also helps prevent the heavy bleeding some women experience.

After the birth, your midwife will check the placenta and membranes, to make sure that they're complete and nothing has been left behind.

If you have a caesarean section, after your baby is born, the placenta will also be delivered.

That’s it, factually correct but it doesn’t suggest that women have the option to take their placenta and

As an endocrine organ the placenta self produces many pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones that both sustain and prepare a mother for breastfeeding after birth. Packed with blood, proteins and minerals it’s an organ of nourishing goodness that would cost a huge amount if you were to purchase the man-made forms at a local health store. Remember, as these nutrients and hormones are produced by the mother they are also uniquely design to suit her individuality and this cannot be re-created.

Scientifically it is yet to be proven but it is my true and honest belief that those nutrients are far more beneficial to a mother simply because she is the person that made them and there is lots of supporting documentation available for anyone wanting to read beyond this blog.

To conclude I thought I would list out the amazing and wide- ranging benefits myself and other mothers found when we ingested our placentas through capsule and smoothie form (many of us able to compare between first and second births when we did and didn’t)

  • Boosted Energy Levels
  • Replenished Iron Stores
  • Better Balanced Hormones
  • Reduction in Stress Levels
  • No Postnatal Depression
  • Increases Milk Supply
  • Reduced Postnatal Bleeding
  • Improvement in the Appearance of Skin/Nails
  • Increased feeling of Well-being
  • Increased Infant Bonding
  • Faster loss Pre-Baby Weight

So, there you have it, all the reasons why you’ll hear me asking over and over… ‘But what about the placenta?’ Head over to Cherish Placenta website to find out more about placenta pills in Norfolk.

placentaCherished Placentas Ltd
“Bounce Back From Pregnancy The Natural Way”




To chat about a shoot please contact me, Jess, here with no obligation to book!


Reminiscing, things I wish I had replied. Guest blog

Reminiscing, things I wish I had replied 2018


I wrote some ideas for a blog for Jess… and one that popped up time and time again when researching was ‘things not to say to a pregnant woman’ I thought about this carefully… wouldn’t it just be the same list of phrases from every other blog with that topic and was it really something I cared about?

Not really.

Well, maybe just a few of them deserved a reply that I didn’t have the brain capacity to shoot back in that moment so I’ll quickly take the opportunity now:

  • You’re about to pop – well im not, im going to spend 23 hours in painful labour before vaginally delivering an 8lb 3 baby…. I am not corn.
  • You’re getting big – yup, im growing another person…
  • You’re glowing – ill take that one… I knew I was mank and grumpy so every compliment was banked. Except you, creepy man on the tube who kept staring at my bump (boobs?) and smiling and then stopped to tell me… you should be quiet.
  • Are you planning on breastfeeding? Oddly more guys than girls asked me this…Freud would have a field day with that but I felt weird talking about it because I didn’t know… I didn’t want to plan too much – on the flip side of this isn’t it great that we can talk openly about feeding choices…. Let’s push it further and ask about ‘feeding’ not a specified breast or bottle choice because mums have enough worry without adding to it.
  • Is it twins? No and I’m glad because I’m 5ft 2 and a twins belly would have rendered me a weevil.
  • Sleep now you’ll never again – I did hate this one but my god do I wish I had listened.
  • Its not unusual these days to have a 10lb baby – that was one of the midwives. Still haven’t come up with a response… but maybe c-section?
  • You’ll never do anything for yourself…. Wrong but thanks for making me more determined to ensure I did.

In fairness, I didn’t mind all of that, people mean well and in a weird way it felt like I had a village around me, be it strangers or family who were saying the things that they felt were right in that situation, joining in, supporting – somehow by wheeling out these clichés people feel involved in the situation and if anything, these words are a rite of passage for any first time parent. (second timers feel free to respond as you want – a punch in the face usually works)

The only thing that ever really bothered me was in the first trimester, because having been joyous on finding out I was pregnant, this feeling was quickly thrown out with the bath water from the overwhelming nausea, sickness and constant hangover like symptoms that followed me around for 14 weeks.

I was working a stressful job that wasn’t prepared to be supportive unless I announced to members of the team I was pregnant so they could justify me stepping back a little while I dealt with these imperative first stages so I felt overwhelmed and sick and incredibly excited and nervous to get past that vital 12 week mark.

People didn’t like my lack of happiness…. And it was there under the grey tinge of my tired pukey face, it was there while I lay down trying to stop the spinning and it was there while I threw up the McFlurry I had insisted my husband needed to get me immediately.

I already felt bad enough, I didn’t really need the guilt that I wasn’t showing off how happy I was when I was just trying to survive those weeks and get to the magic second trimester.

Did you know that some women have to take anti-depressants for their pregnancy? Hormones are a powerful thing and in that first trimester we need a village around us to support whatever we are feeling… happy, sad, depressed, alone, anxious, joyful, elated… every feel is valid.

So let’s keep the clichés alive and kickin’ because it’s traditional to hear them, but let’s make sure we are also asking how those new mamas are feeling and don’t try to counter argue when they don’t give the answer you expect. If they look grey and miserable it doesn’t mean they don’t want to be pregnant and definitely don’t say – ‘you should be happy you’re pregnant’


Sophie aka Muffin and Puffin!


Read more blogs here...



Is Social Media Affecting Your Mental Health? Guest blog

Is Social Media Affecting Your Mental Health? 2018


There is no denying it social media has changed the face of parenting as we know it and can affect your mental health. On one hand, we now have a support network of like-minded parents and a wealth of knowledge an the tips of our fingers.

On the other hand we compare ourselves to others and constantly feel as though we not living up to the Instagram glitterati’s standards.

It can make us feel low and vulnerable we can easily feel as though we are under attack as alongside the rise of social media came the birth of the online troll.

Many of us choose to put ourselves and parenting abilities out there for all to see in the digital age of ‘sharenting’.

But, is social media affecting you?

Are you beginning to withdraw, spend hours scrolling through feeds and feeling overwhelming failure wash over you because you are not at that event or party, you don’t get #gifted and your still at home in your PJ’s counting down the hours to bedtime.

If you took a photo of a family day out where you are all smiling and looking as though you are having a great time you would normally upload this photo onto social media. That photo for all to see shows you on a family day out where you are all happy.

It doesn’t show the stress of getting everyone into the car, the tantrum of not being able to watch the I PAD or the argument you and your partner had over where to go for lunch. It doesn’t show the baby screaming for half an hour before they finally went to sleep, or running around trying to find a toilet because the toddler has had an accident.

It is important to take stock and step back at times to gain some perspective. If social media is beginning to affect your mental health and mood then you need to re-evaluate your time on there.

That photo on your feed making you feel like a bad parent? That’s a snapshot, it’s not the whole picture as it were and sometimes social media lies. The perfect wholesome parent or celebrity body that is being pushed down our throats isn’t healthy and unrealistic but something we see every day.

Social Media can empower you, connect you with others and educate and raise awareness of issues like never before, but it can also be damaging to your mental health as well.

Here are our top tips for keeping the balance of social media

  1. Take a break – we get in a habit of constantly checking Instagram or Facebook as soon as we wake up or before we to bed. We feel as though we are missing something, or perhaps if we are not ‘present’ on there we will be forgotten about. Take a break for a few days or even a week, it will still be there when you go back. If you cannot take a complete break, begin by reducing your time.
  2. If you are constantly comparing yourself to certain accounts and it is making you feel low, then unfollow them. Keep your feed full of positive accounts with those who are likeminded, who you enjoy talking to and who you enjoy seeing.
  3. Do you get annoyed with your partner always on there phone in the evenings? Are your children trying to get your attention but your busy scrolling? Put your phone down and be present. See what difference it is by being fully present watching a film, or playing in the park with the kids rather than only half concentrating and getting annoyed when your trying to do too much at once.
  4. Have a think about how much you truly want to share, what do you want out of it. Is it just a personal account for fun? Then keep that in mind, don’t get hung up on the number of likes. Likes/ comments are not a validation of you as a person or a parent. Just because you might not have 1000 likes per photo doesn’t mean your not as good as those who do. If you have social media for business and feel bogged down perhaps now is the time to outsource.
  5. Remember social media does not define you as a person or as a parent it has the ability to make you feel amazing or like you thought you have hit rock bottom. Make sure you don’t let it affect your mental health by following some of our tips.

When you’re feeling lonely and stuck in the house with a new baby or ill child, social media can be a lifeline it can connect you with others who can support you, provide you with tips or just provide some virtual support. It can be a savior by connecting you with other local parents, from social media they can turn into lifelong friends.

Be cautious and sparing with social media, don’t let it dictate your mood or day instead use it as an extension and remember whether you are an amazing parent with or without your Instagram account.

Vicki Cockerill

Freelance Writer and Social Media Outreach Specialist
More blogs can be read here.

Guest blogger -  Our 20 weeks scan 

Guest blogger -  Our 20 weeks baby scan norwich 2018


Our 20 week scan baby scan, another opportunity to see our beautiful growing baby, we’re already more in Love then we ever could have imagined. Seeing our baby’s little hand almost wave at us whilst having a yawn was amazing to see. Since having our scan i can now feel kicks and movements, i think i could feel smaller versions of this before but i didn’t quite realise how big my baby was, i thought i could just feel gas… oops sorry baby. Baby enjoys cold drinks and sweet treats so i have a lot of those to keep baby entertained.


So did we find out?... We didn’t! But it was hard not to have a sneaky peek.


So now it’s time to look into pregnancy classes, my midwife recommended for us to book onto Birth and Babies for my antenatal and I've had other recommendations for Hypnobirthing. I’m very excited to start Hypnobirthing, i feel this is the only way i could possibly get through labour! I’ve also signed onto Pregnancy Yoga to help with my posture, to help strengthen my back muscles and for pure relaxation.


Since I found out i was pregnant I've suffered with immense back pain, (standing up all day with my profession sure doesn’t help either) so I've started physiotherapy at the Jenny Lind department in hope i can figure a way to fix the pain…


I’m really enjoying my pregnancy journey but I'm slightly struggling with the HEAT! It’s so hot! I shouldn’t complain really but I'm assuming I'm not the only baby mumma trying to avoid sunshine like a vampire. The table fan is my new best friend! Like how my “BB HUG ME’ (pregnancy pillow) is my new ‘boyfriend’.


So after my baby scan Norwich, it's now for my next Midwife appointment!

check out Chelsea's other blogs here :)

parent instagram

10 Norfolk Parenting Instagram Accounts to Follow

10 Norfolk Parenting Instagram Accounts to Follow 2018

We parents love a bit of time scrolling through the ‘Gram don’t we? Vicki is back blogging what Norfolk Parenting Instagram Accounts to follow...

If you have a bad day you are a few taps away from receiving a virtual gin from someone else going through the same thing, and to see a photo someone else’s child planking face down in Morrison’s, makes us all feel like we aren’t going through this parenting malarkey alone.

We all know about the big parent bloggers and Instagram powerhouses but did you know there were some amazing local Instagram accounts too?

Read on for 10 of Norfolk's parenting Instagram accounts to follow! By Vicki aka NICU Mum 


First on our Instagram accounts list is of course Jess's! Think sleepy newborns that will make you broody, beautiful maternity shoots, smiley toddlers, and the perfect way to keep up to date with all the latest projects and packages on offer! It really is a beautifully visual account.


This Instagram account will have you laughing into your fish fingers. Sally White really does know how to put a spoof spin on many a parental situation that will have you laughing out loud on the bus home. She also brings you relatable posts about politics and feminism that will leave you wanting more. Check out her Gruffalo parody it is one not to be missed!


You know those flat lays you’ve always wanted to master? Or how to nail the hands around the coffee cup?  Our next Norfolk parent Instagram account has it effortlessly in abundance that comes from the fabulous Sophie who can somehow make a bin bag look like a professional shoot. This account tracks the highs and lows of running a small business and balance bringing up a small human as well.


This account is run by Harper’s mum and it documents Harper who has cerebral palsy and is trying to raise £80,000 to get to America for life-changing surgery. This Norfolking parent account will leave you in awe at the bravery and determination of Harper and her family.


If you need some inspiration for a child-free night out, some morning motivational quotes or the chance to see some of your gram’ heroes then this parenting Instagram account is for you. Run by Emma, this account sees local parents being brought together and empowered by the power of social media.

@astoryfromdad @astroyfrommum

These two Norfolk parenting accounts come as a buy one get one free! Husband and wife duo depicting parent life with their first child Willow. From the ups and downs of sleep training to nursery settling in sessions, Jodie and American Tim are sharing the realities of parenthood via the squares.


This is an Instagram account with a difference. It sees Katie traveling around our fair region and giving us inspiration on where to go with the fam, and the secret hidden gems of Norfolk. Her beautiful blog and photos make you want to jump in the car and head out straight away!


This account is a must follow for anyone who loves beautiful flowers, interiors and outfit inspiration. Mum of 2 boys and (8 hens!) this is a stunning account to follow and one that will certainly brighten up your feed!


First time mum this is one Norfolk parenting Instagram account to follow if you want to learn more about breastfeeding with cmpa, cloth nappies and coconscious parenting as well as the usual hilarities of weaning and day to day parenting!


The last entry on our  Instagram accounts is one dad documenting life with his triplet girls, and 2-year-old son. He regularly confesses he cant quite tell them apart and it features some adorable photos of the new born triplets and the chaos of parenting them!


So, that was our 10 Norfolk parenting Instagram accounts to follow, but we don’t want this to be an exclusive list.

We would love to hear your favourite local parent accounts to follow too!


Top 5 local gifts for New Dads

Top 5 local gifts for New Dads 2018

It can be that poor old dad does get a bit left out when it comes to new gifts when you welcome a new baby, with the focus on mum and baby.
There is no better way than marking the important milestone of becoming a new dad and making him feel special as well with one of our top 5 local gifts for new dads available from our fair region of Norfolk.

1. The Dad Bag
Every new dad will need to get to grips with the new changing bag at some point, but many are very much geared to the ‘yummy mummy’, so why not get him his own stylish handheld dad bag for all of his new baby baggage from the fabulous The Night Feed which makes a top local gift for a new dad.

2. Family photo shoot
A great local gift for a new dad is to book them a newborn family photo shoot with their new bundle of joy. At Jess Wilkins Photography there are a number of shoots and packages on offer that cater to all members . They will treasure the photos and memories for a long time to come.

3. Norfolk Gin
Traditionally men would go down the pub to wet the babies head, why not carry on the tradition with our next top 5 local gifts for new dads and present the proud new father with locally distilled Norfolk Gin. We will join you too!

4. Personalised Gift from Doodlepots, Holt.
A great local gift for the new dad would be a baby foot/ handprint keepsake or what about a personalised commission of the whole family? You can paint them or ask a member of the Doodlepots team to lend their expertise and it makes a truly unique local gift for the new dad.

5 A gift voucher from the Norfolk Passport
This has a number of great local gifts, over night stays, gift vouchers, cookbooks and more from some of the most reputable eateries in Norfolk, why not purchase a gift voucher for the succulent The Pigs or Byford’s? There will be a local gift to suit any new dad and make him feel special.

How can you resist spoiling the sleep-deprived new dad with these top 5 local gifts for a new dad!

Vicki Cockerill is a NICU/ CHD Mum of two boys, a freelance blogger and social media adviser, Co-Founder of #knackeredandNorwich social club and maternal mental health advocate.


Guest blogger - 17 weeks pregnant

Guest blogger - 17 weeks pregnant - we welcome back Chelsea and catch up on her pregnancy...

Wow! Time is going quickly read about my pregancy below!
I'm now 17 weeks pregnant and It's so nice to feel more like my original self, no more ‘starvation’ feelings (when I had just finished my massive ham, cheese and pickle baguette for lunch) - still my ultimate craving! and the ‘sicky’ feeling has just about sloped off.
My 16 week midwife appointment...
I was really looking forward to this appointment as I knew I could hear my baby's heartbeat during this checkup. Hearing my baby's beautiful singing heartbeat for the first time was amazing. My whole body was filled with utter love and contentment mixed with relief that everything was going well.
I’ve been a constant worrier the entire duration of my pregnancy so far, I'm loving every second of it but I want to make sure I'm not doing/eating anything that could jeopardize the health of my unborn child. I'm writing this blog on whilst on my last ‘couples’ holiday before we become a family, I was terrified about going through the airport security as I was always told they use X-ray scanners… THEY DON'T! I was unbelievably upset after explaining to security that I was pregnant and was told to go through anyway… but it was honestly fine, this is where my superhero husband comes back to calm me with soothing words and reassurance. I've turned into a total shadow of the person I was before, but I'm becoming a mum and I'm getting used to my motherly emotions.
So… When do my weird cravings start?! I kinda like the idea of an obscure ‘must have’ and sending my husband out on errands to find a fix for my latest craze! That's what he's there for right?... jokes aside he's been my rock, he has done so for the past 11 years and it's become more apparent how lucky I am with him being so ‘cool’ about my mood swings, hanger pains and my new frustration at not being able to do the simplest of things.
I now have the start of a beautiful little bump and I love showing it off! I've actually quite enjoyed searching for ‘maternity’ wear as I enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of finding something fashionable and flattering (which is difficult when looking at maternity wear, you literally go from topshop fashion to middle aged fashion). I still want to feel ‘in’ with the world whilst parading my bump proudly and elegantly.
I've never wanted to wish the year away before, but November can't come quick enough! I can't wait and I'm definitely a summer lover.
So… 20 week scan in 3 weeks time! The question is do we find out?!....
An adventure has already begun, why not ride the train and find out who you have been waiting for at the end of the ‘tunnel’.
        Want to read more of Chelsea's blogs on her pregnancy? follow my page and read her first blog here all about when she first found out she was pregnant awww!

children cuddling dog

Top 5 private pools to hire around Norwich, Norfolk

Top 5 private pools to hire around Norwich - 2018


Sometimes going to a public pool with a young baby, or energetic toddler (or both!) doesn’t quite have the same appeal as booking a private pool. Being able to wrangle the children in and out of their swimming stuff on your own and then enjoying the pool all to yourselves does sound like the better option to us!

So, we have looked around and here are our top 5 private pools to hire around Norwich.


Newly added -  Weston Leisure Pool and spa  Based in Weston Longville.

Rackheath Pool Norwich

This tropical pool is heated all year round, perfect for little ones which is why it features in our top 5 private pools to hire around Norwich. It comes with baby changing facilities and even travels cots. You can purchase Splash Happy Nappies from here as well.

You can book here.

Woodrising Pool Hire

Private and a very relaxed atmosphere makes this pool great for families which is why it is one of our top 5 private pools around Norwich. It is a great place to learn to swim and very family orientated. Lessons are also available. The pool is located just outside of Shipdham, Norfolk.

You can book here.

Pears Pools

Found 5 miles south east of Norwich, Pearls Pools has numerous facilities which is why we find it in our top 5 private pools to hire around Norwich. It has a wet room, baby changing facilities, pre-sim rooms, and even a lounge area. It has everything you could possibly need for a relaxed family swim.

You can book here.

Bacton Private Pool Hire

Next on our top 5 private pool to hire around Norwich is Bacton private pool. Pack the inflatables as this 33-degree heated pool is perfect for all members of the family, why not bring along Gran too! With a play area located on the side of the pool and a baby changing station it really is a family friendly as they come.


Anchorage Pool

The final entry on our top 5 private pools to hire around Norwich is located just outside of the city centre in Stoke Holy Cross. Maintained at a constant warm temperature it makes it suitable for babies the first time in the pool. Changing areas, showers, and even tennis and gym activities have something for every member of the family.


Do you know of any family-friendly private pools that you recommend? We would love to hear from you, so we can add them to our list!

Vicki Cockerill is a NICU/ CHD Mum of two boys, a freelance blogger and social media adviser, Co Founder of #KnackeredandNorwich social club and maternal mental health advocate.

Facebookprivate pools






More blogs can be found here, and I also would love more guest bloggers baby/ family related, get in touch as I'd love to hear from you. If you love family time and wish to have your family captured, in a relaxed way, feel free to drop me a message via my contact form.







New guest blogger - first time mum !

Introducing my new guest blogger and shes a first time mum, here is how the first trimester has gone !


The Ultimate Rollercoaster in the best way possible, who’d have thought all pregnancies could be so different, I’ve been very lucky to be sharing my exciting journey with my Bestie ‘kinda sista’.



I'm now 13 weeks pregnant with my first child and she is 5 weeks ahead with her first, we are both going to be a first time mum. After hearing of her bad morning sickness I had prepared for the worst and been lucky to come out the other side with no ‘actual’ sickness just feeling incredibly unwell.

It’s strange how the body works, one minute I feel so sick with chronic backache I’m not sure what to do with myself… the next second I’m so ravenous I’m stuffing my face with monster munch in an effort to cure my hanger pains. My husband knows only too well how hangry I can now get.

Finding out i was pregnant didn’t turn out quite how I had expected. I had downloaded the ‘Natural Cycles app’ (You MUST get this it’s the best thing I could have ever done). It tracks your personal menstrual cycle and ovulation days so you can decide to try or not to try for a baby using the thermometer along with the app.

I’d been using it for a couple of months with no luck then suddenly the app flashed up ‘Take a pregnancy test’ So I did, I’ve done a few before with no luck. So I wasn’t getting my hopes up. Then there it was ‘Pregnant 1-2 weeks’ my husband and I just stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

It’s obviously the news we have been waiting so long for, I’d dreamt of us crying with happiness but we just stared at each other in shock and I then got a nervous bellyache (not quite what I had expected). I then googled everything, sometimes it’s best not too as I’m now terrified of eating anything or doing anything just in case it’s harmful.




It makes you wonder how people had children so long ago, we have so many rules now, even basil and fennel are considered a no go! Who’d have thought it?! but I guess we now know so much more…

Seeing our baby for our 12 week scan was incredible I couldn’t help but let a few tears to run down my cheeks, how could something so small be so beautiful, tossing and turning and letting out some stretches, making us and the midwife laugh out loud, she said the baby moves more when I laugh as it can feel I’m happy and that’s a wonderful theory.

I bought 3 scan photos, one for us, one for each of our parents as a keepsake. We opted for the combined scan to check for everything, and I now have one hell of a bruise from my blood test… i don’t mind but i’d like the use of my arm again, but... this IS an excuse to get out of chores, maybe I’ll keep it up a little longer…



I’ve had the best 3 months full of ups and downs and everything in between, whilst messaging my best friend with ‘can we eat this’ or ‘What about if I do this’ and ‘OMG I’ve just discovered…’  laughing about our ever-expanding bellies, the human body is a wonderful thing, surprising you with how bloody clever it is. I’m so lucky to be sharing my story with so many happily pregnant beauties. Bring on November I’m more than ready to start an unbelievable adventure as a first time mum.

With Love Chelsea xoxo

Find more useful and guest blogs click here.



Best places to get breastfeeding advice in Norfolk

Best places to get breastfeeding advice in Norfolk 2018


Breastfeeding gives new mothers a wonderful opportunity to bond with their babies. However, it is not always easy and a lot of women, and babies, can struggle to get used to their new feeding routine. I did first time round , I remember sobbing on day 3 or 4 as my son was just screaming at me and shaking his head around like a zombie baby. Getting a little bit of help and support at this crucial time can make a huge difference to Mums who are finding breastfeeding a challenge.


If you’ve recently had a baby and are looking for help with breastfeeding, here are a few fantastic resources for you to turn to.

Breastfeeding Norfolk


One of the best places to get high quality support in the county is Breastfeeding Norfolk. Jan and Nikki offer one-to-one visits and a wealth of expertise, Breastfeeding Norfolk can help with everything from difficulty latching on to easing concerns about your baby’s weight gain.


Sian Aldis


Like Breastfeeding Norfolk, Sian Aldis offers new mothers one-to-one help and advice on all things to do with feeding. With years of experience working in the area, she’s the perfect person to support you through these first crucial days, weeks and months.


Association of Breast Feeding Mothers


If you’re looking for information about anything to do with breastfeeding, the Association of Breast Feeding Mothers is a great place to start. The organisation offers training courses for midwives and runs a helpline where women can get advice and information on issues related to the topic. There’s also a magazine, a list of recommended books and resources and an online shop where you can pick up more leaflets and products.


La Leche League


Another organisation that works to support mothers is La Leche League. As well as offering a wealth of resources on its site, the group also runs support meetings for mums and a Facebook page for anyone interested in the issue. If you’re especially committed to the breastfeeding cause, you can even run a group of your own or apply to become a volunteer for La Leche League,


If you’d like to find out about other useful and important resources for new parents in the Norfolk area, or if you’re interested in learning more about the photography services I offer, explore please get in touch today.


breastfeeding advice in Norfolk