Motherhood blog baby Aubrey 6-9 months update
Motherhood blog baby Aubrey 6-9 months update
That brings me back to weaning, as I mentioned in my last update. I found this very challenging and anxiety inducing. The fear of her choking made me choose a mixed approach of purées and the now popular baby led weaning. The combined approach made me feel more comfortable and luckily Aubrey took to self feeding finger foods fairly easily once I started to progress these. This is a topic that is mind blowing. If I had any advice, do what you think is best. I had to shut out the noise and try to stop following the endless advice from social media accounts, it was overwhelming. We are now enjoying three meals a day and she is a good little eater, thankfully, but it took a few tears (from me and her), patience and perseverance.
Motherhood blog baby Aubrey 3-6 months update
Motherhood blog baby Aubrey 3-6 months update
3-6 months comes with so many wonderful moments, but I would also say some very tough days and nights. Aubrey has continued to fill our lives with smiles and laughter, and watching her develop her amazing little personality has been worth every second. However, like many others, Aubrey learning new skills and getting her first tooth at approximately 5 months has led to very disturbed nights and fussy days. Sleep deprivation after 6 months of it, hits differently to the first few weeks of the newborn phase. Time with family and friends, and the support they have given us, has got me through the tough days (as well as the gallon of coffee).
As we reach 6 months and transition into Autumn, I can’t wait for more firsts with Aubrey. There will be pumpkins, fireworks and then Christmas on its way. We have been lucky enough to just return from a sunny holiday with our friends to say bye to Summer and Aubrey had her first experience of airports and flying. She handled it like a superstar and hopefully this may spark us to book some more European visits in the near future. Travelling with a baby is daunting and I was so anxious about it, however it wasn’t so bad and Aubrey adapted more than I gave her initial credit for. I would encourage anyone thinking of going away to go for it. It’s different but worth it!
Huge thanks to Lucy for another installment of her blog.
Aubrey and her parents had another session in the studio, here are a few images as you can see she can sit by herself and is crawling too #magicalmilestones
Motherhood blog 0-3 months
Motherhood blog 0-3 months
Motherhood blog 0-3 months
It’s 1:30 am and as another night feed goes ahead I often find myself looking at Aubrey in the light of our nightlight reflecting on our time as a family so far. Most will know the sleep deprivation is hard but overall I think we have been very lucky, as Aubrey appeared to set herself a routine waking twice a night fairly consistently. It’s safe to say though this first 3 months have gone by in a flash.
The brutal reality of recovering from birth hit me hard. Following our assisted delivery in theatre with episiotomy and forceps, the pain persisted for several weeks. I think I felt comfortable by around 4-5 weeks, but the pelvic floor weakness still bothers me now. However, I pushed myself to get out and we enjoyed early sensory classes and more recently some baby massage. I have also been very lucky with the time I get to spend with friends and their babies.
Big thanks to Lucy for her second blog – we met recently as seen in the photos above.
Aubrey was full of character and chatter, she is a sweet age discovering the world.
You can read Lucy’s first blog here.
Jess x
New motherhood blogger – Lucy
New motherhood blogger – Lucy
I am so pleased to welcome my new blogger Lucy. I love working with new mums/parents and sharing their different experiences and stories.
Over to the lovely Lucy …
At 17:36 on the 27th March 2024 we welcomed our beautiful little girl Aubrey Talbot-Hart to the world. At 41 weeks, she was a healthy 8lbs 5oz (or as we thought, this was later corrected by the midwife to an even healthier 8lbs 9oz).
Being our first baby both myself and my partner were so excited to finally meet our little bundle of joy. We hadn’t found out if we were having a baby boy or girl at any scans so the anticipation was growing. However, the anticipation also grew with the imminent stages of labour and birth on the horizon.
I had made no dream plans for the birth, of course hoping for a text book, minimal pain relief, water birth. My partner is a planner and had found it hard to take my laid back approach towards this. Working in healthcare myself I knew the reality was, that it was out of my hands.
I worked till 38 weeks, and was keen to get in my self care before the big day came. Nails done, pedicure complete, and several brunches with family and friends, our due date came and went. We had been told throughout that our baby was likely to be big, although gestational diabetes was ruled out, I became increasingly anxious whether a big baby would make things complicated.
At 40+2, a Friday, I experienced my first sweep, hoping by the end of the weekend perhaps we would be a family of three. We walked a lot and on the Sunday spent the day in the cold and wind at Cly coast. Monday morning arrived and still no signs. At this point I needed to decide whether to elect for a C-section or induction at 41 weeks. Conversations with a consultant the previous week had left this in the air and I really wasn’t sure what I wanted. Monday morning was another sweep, another lunch with my Mum and a walk round the village.
That evening the signs began and I was so excited, but also terrified. My partner arrived home from work and he started packing bags in to the car, excited to think soon we may be at the hospital. Little did he expect to have to wait a further 48 hours.
My contractions came steadily overnight, about every 8-10 minutes apart. With some concerns about my waters, we were checked at the hospital Tuesday morning but sent home to continue, as both myself and baby were all ok and labour needed to progress further. Several hot baths later, my contractions were now 3-4 in 10 minutes.
We returned to the hospital and started to prepare for a normal labour and got in the water. I was now 24 hours gone and I was now in active labour. Unfortunately things were slow for us but the care we received was outstanding. The next 24 hours were tough, with decisions taken out of our hands but eventually with some help from the incredible medical team our little ones cries filled the room and my partner was able to tell me ‘it’s a girl!’.
Guest Blog - Birth story blog
Guest Blog – Birth story blog
Guest Blog – Birth story blog
We have welcomed another beautiful baby girl into the world! Ada Margot Hughes, born 02/05/2024 at 17:32 weighing 7lbs 10oz.
At 40+2 we were so ready to meet our baby!
The day had started as any other regular Thursday, I had taken Amelia to a toddler group in the morning, and I was feeling absolutely fine, other than a few Braxton hicks the night before which I was getting most evenings I had no other signs at all that just a few hours later we would have our baby in our arms!
I arrived home at lunch time and put Amelia to bed for a nap, and started to make myself some lunch! At this point I started to feel my waters trickling out, this is the only way I can describe it! But I wasn’t experiencing any other pain or symptoms so I remained calm and carried on with my day! Another 20 minutes or so went by and I started to get what I think were very faint contractions but they were roughly every half an hour, so at this point I started to think this is it!! The time was now 3pm, Amelia was awake from her nap but I could still easily carry on as normal and speak through the contractions luckily they still weren’t too strong at this point!
My sister called me to see if we wanted to go to the park and I remember saying to her I think I’m in labour!! Luckily she lives around the corner from us so she came to collect Amelia as I knew I’d have to make way to the hospital shortly! Saying goodbye to Amelia was very emotional knowing next time I’d see her she would be a big sister.
At this point the contractions were about every 20 minutes and I knew my husband would be home within half an hour so I had a shower and put the last minute things in my hospital bag.
Although my previous labour with Amelia was positive, it was longer the first time around so I think that’s why I wasn’t expecting things to move quite as quickly as they did!
Once Ryan arrived home from work the contractions were definitely more regular, I’d say every 5 minutes so he called the birthing unit and they wanted us to go straight up there. Once we were in the car the contractions were coming every minute, I just remember breathing through them and trying to remain calm, luckily we didn’t hit any traffic on the way as I had started to feel like I needed to start pushing!
Our midwife was happy to discharge us the same day, although by this time it was around 12:30am, but I definitely wanted to just get home rather than stay in hospital!
My parents were at mine with Amelia, who was obviously in bed, so it was lovely to see them when we got back, we had a quick cuppa and went straight up to bed, not that I expected to get any sleep!
It was so special being home in the morning with Ada when Amelia woke up, she’s been such a super big sister from the very start, and we are just soaking up this precious time with our girls starting our next chapter.
Motherhood blogger 9-12 months of Oscar
9-12 months of Oscar;
Wow, where has this year gone? By far the fastest but best year of our lives. It was nearly time to celebrate Oscars first Christmas, something I wished for every Christmas, and now I finally get to celebrate with my own baby.
A dream come true. I wanted to create lots of traditions that we could continue to do every year with Oscar to make it really special for him. I created a Christmas eve box which included;
Christmas pyjamas
Christmas books
Christmas eve plate (for Santas goodies)
Bells to ring so Santa knew was house to come to.
I’m sure, as the years go by, we will put different things in the box.
At this age I knew Oscar wouldn’t be bothered about the presents as he was more interested in the wrapping paper and boxes, which kept him entertained.
January soon came round and I had now been off work for over a year and returning back to work is just around the corner, causing lots of emotions. The feeling of not being with Oscar 24/7 was heartbreaking.
I was worried how he would feel, not being with me but I knew he was in good hands, being looked after by his grandparents, and the luxury of working from home means I am able to come downstairs and give him a big cuddle.
Also, the worries of juggling being a mum and working as well but I knew we would be creating a new routine and it will take a little time to get used to it. I can confirm when I returned to work Oscar was fine. It was me who found it hard, but as time passes it’s getting a little easier.
February, the month our little Oscar was born, which means nearly a whole year of being parents and loving our little Oscar Ocean.
As I reflect on the year some of the most important things I have taken from it is to make sure you take it all in because the time flashes before your eyes and they go from being a tiny little new born to a cheeky toddler very quickly.
Also everything is a phase so if you’re in the depth of sleep deprivation, know that it will get better, and to make sure you talk to people about how you’re feeling as this makes things feel a lot better. Lastly get out in the fresh air & go for a walk, no matter the weather it really is a natural medicine.
Also everything is a phase so if you’re in the depth of sleep deprivation, know that it will get better, and to make sure you talk to people about how you’re feeling as this makes things feel a lot better. Lastly get out in the fresh air & go for a walk, no matter the weather it really is a natural medicine.
Oscar turns 1. Where has my little baby gone? We now have a gorgeous cheeky toddler and we now have to have eyes in the back of our heads.
Oscar took his first steps on his own the week before his birthday which was amazing to watch. Now we are always practicing as he’s not fully there yet but I’m sure it won’t be long.
We had the best time celebrating with family and we can’t wait to make lots more memories as a family, something we will be forever grateful that we get to do.
A huge thanks to Emma for writing her honest blog and sharing her IVf journey also.
It has been great to photograph Emma and Craig with Oscar. Each shoot we saw a new milestone and another side of Oscar’s cheeky personality.
That first year has lot of highs and lows and all my motherhood bloggers have shared their different journeys and perspectives, I will soon need a new Motherhood Blogger.
Please all my other blogs
Guest blogger 9 months pregnant 39 weeks
9 months pregnant 39 weeks
I’m officially full term! 39 weeks pregnant, and just 1 week away from my due date!
I feel like now at this stage it really is just a waiting game and baby can come at any time! Which makes me feel so excited but also a bit nervous! I’ve had people tell me second babies come earlier and also some say they went over due with their second so it really is just a waiting game now! Although I really hope baby doesn’t keep us waiting too much longer!
I had somebody ask me how I am feeling now at this stage; excited, nervous, prepared?! And right now I can say I am definitely feeling excited, I think now everything is ready, hospital bags are all packed ready to go, we have everything ready now at home for babies arrival and I feel so excited to bring baby back home and start our next chapter as a family of four.
I’ve been feeling generally very well in this last trimester, a bit more tired than usual and also heartburn has been pretty awful, but nothing a bit of gaviscon can’t fix!
I’ve also been experiencing the odd Braxton hicks which makes me feel like labour is near, these usually come on in the evening, it’s hard to remember if I had these in my previous pregnancy and how long in advance I was getting them!
I saw my midwife last week and she said baby is in position ready for birth, head is down 3/5 engaged so I’m really thinking it won’t be long now, I never saw myself getting to my due date, I always thought baby was going to come early but maybe I’m wrong! It’s such a strange feeling to think I could literally go into labour at any time, it’s like the fear of the unknown just not knowing exactly when it’s going to happen!
I’m really hoping for a similar labour to my first, as I was so lucky to have such a positive experience, but whatever happens as long as baby arrives safely and healthy that’s all that matters!
Something about knowing I have done it before makes it feel less daunting this time around, but at the same time I need to remember that every labour and birth is different so need to be prepared for anything to happen!
I feel like whether I feel ready or not the baby will come in their own time and whenever and however it happens we will have our baby, that thought is pretty incredible so I really need to relax and focus on that, and just ride the rest of this pregnancy however long it lasts!
Maternity leave has been different with a toddler as I remember when I finished work in my first pregnancy and the days before we had Amelia, it was definitely lots of relaxing and daytime naps! But I wouldn’t change it for the world, having this extra time with Amelia before baby comes has been so precious.
I’m so excited to watch her become a big sister and can’t wait to see how she will be around the baby, she loves it when we see a baby so I’m hoping she feels the same way about her brother or sister!
Pregnancy blog I am now 34 weeks pregnant
Pregnancy blog - I am now 34 weeks pregnant
March pregnancy blog
I am now 34 weeks pregnant which means I only have potentially 6 weeks left (maybe less,maybe more!)
Up until this point I’ve been feeling like I still have loads of time left, and its suddenly dawning on me that by the end of next month, baby could be here!
I think because I’m due on the last day of April, it still feels like a lot of time. I still have that whole month but I need to remind myself baby could potentially come any time from April 9th (when I’ll be 37 weeks,
eeekk!) although I’m feeling very excited for their arrival I still feel not completely ready just yet, but I’m starting to wonder if I ever will, until they are actually here? I feel like we still have a lot to do but at the same time I also feel quite organised and ready, such a strange feeling and so hard to explain! I think maybe because it’s fear of the unexpected of when they are going to be born and how different life is going to be it makes you feel anxious and unprepared, but I’m sure as soon as baby is here I’ll realise all the worrying was for nothing and everything will fall slowly into place, (hopefully!)
My last day at work is 28th March, although I’m currently only working 2 days part time since having my daughter, I am looking forward to finishing and just having that extra time with Amelia, and getting all the last minute bits in place before baby’s arrival!
A lot of people say to me that I don’t look 34 weeks pregnant, I do feel like my bump is still quite small, especially in certain clothes, although when it was measured at my last midwife appointment it was measuring exactly where it should be for how far along I was. I do feel I was the same with Amelia and we actually had to go for a growth scan as I was measuring small with her, then in the last few weeks it really popped out, and she actually weighed 8lbs 2oz when she was born which I feel for a first baby is a good weight.
I was full term, she came just 1 day after my due date, which I think is why I just expect things to happen similar this time but I need to remember it can be a very different experience!
I am seeing my
midwife again this week so it will be interesting to see if I’m still measuring where we should
We had a scan at 32 weeks, as at our 20 week scan the sonographer wasn’t sure if the placenta was covering my cervix so they advised to see us again at 32 weeks to check the position of it.
Thankfully it had moved so that was one less thing to worry about! And it’s always lovely to have those extra scans to check baby is doing well, all their measurements were where they should be and baby was weighing 4lbs! Although they did confirm that baby was in breech position, they advised it wasn’t a major worry as still likely to turn at that stage.
I’ve been doing some exercises which help turn a breech baby just incase, currently on my birthing ball as I am writing this &; trying to sleep on my left side with my pregnancy pillow in between my legs (apparently this helps?!) but I do find myself waking up in the night in a totally different position.
I have actually been sleeping a lot better in the last trimester I think at this stage you just get used to being uncomfortable in bed and sleep through it! Which I’m glad about as it’s definitely good to get in all the sleep you can before the newborn sleepless nights!
To read Beckys other blog click here.
The twins Early arrival - 36 weeks pregnant
The twins Early arrival - 36 weeks pregnant
The twins Early arrival
Time started to go real fast from 32 weeks. I was very uncomfortable, my bump felt enormous and at this point it was difficult just doing daily tasks.
I was seen by my midwife fortnightly due to carrying twins. At my appointment around 34 weeks , they found protein in my urine. I was then being monitored every couple days.
I was sent to my local hospital for repeat bloods as a routine appointment and I remember an ‘on call duty doctor telling me that I now had confirmed Preeclampsia and the safest option is to be admitted into hospital.
I didn’t still really know the risks of this condition ( I have spent my whole pregnancy, not reading into too much that might make my anxious mind worse). I was straight away put on a EFM machine to monitor both twins, which proved very difficult!
Several doctors and midwives spent time trying to track two separate heart beats to produce a cardiotocograph with no luck.
This then continued for the next couple of days. I remember being told to rest! Well.. I couldn’t, because all night I was being prodded about to get this important EFM machine to monitor the fetal hearts!
By the third day and some persistence, they managed to get the print out which showed one twin was in distress (they were unable to detect which one at this point).
My twin consultant sent me for an ultrasound scan and this showed that the placenta and cord was no longer working as efficiently. Later that afternoon, I was told I would be delivering our twins by c-section by the weekend.
I rang the husband to tell him this information, and within the hour, the consultant on duty decided that I’d be going in within 2 hours for an emergency c-section delivery.
I frantically called the husband back to tell him to get to the hospital now! The whole time, I felt cared for and I trusted the consultants who were in and out monitoring me.
Being my first pregnancy meant I had no expectations and didn’t know what to expect, I was relieved to hear the wait was over and our twins would arrive tonight. Everything happened so fast, my husband arrived and we were gowned up and into the theatre within the hour!
The theatre was very busy, and when I
entered, what I can only describe as a ‘disco’ loud music was on, bright dazzling lights, darkness and lots of socialising and laughter!
I had two midwives and two paediatricians, one for each baby, alongside an anethestist and surgeons.
Things progressed quickly and I was given an epidural and lifted on to the theatre bed. I do recall not being able to move my legs or feel them at all but I could feel the sensation of ‘cutting and ‘tugging’ as each baby was pulled out of me!
As many mothers will also say, it did absolutely ‘feel like a washing machine’ and at times made me jittery.
I remember my husband telling me what he could see over the curtains as I asked what that heavy tugging was!
Being my first pregnancy meant I had no expectations and didn’t know what to expect, I was relieved to hear the wait was over and our twins would arrive tonight. Everything happened so fast, my husband arrived and we were gowned up and into the theatre within the hour!
The theatre was very busy, and when I
entered, what I can only describe as a ‘disco’ loud music was on, bright dazzling lights, darkness and lots of socialising and laughter!
I had two midwives and two paediatricians, one for each baby, alongside an anethestist and surgeons.
Things progressed quickly and I was given an epidural and lifted on to the theatre bed. I do recall not being able to move my legs or feel them at all but I could feel the sensation of ‘cutting and ‘tugging’ as each baby was pulled out of me!
As many mothers will also say, it did absolutely ‘feel like a washing machine’ and at times made me jittery.
I remember my husband telling me what he could see over the curtains as I asked what that heavy tugging was!
We had lots of cheer from the amazing staff when Posie arrived into the world at 20:00pm and Artie arrived at 20:03pm, it was the most special moment I will remember forever!
We both had skin to skin with them once the paediatricians had done their checks! Artie entered the world needing some oxygen and shortly after meeting him, he was taken to NICU along with Daddy due to his breathing distress. Later that evening, Posie spent some time in NICU also.
My recovery was tougher than I expected. I struggled to get out of bed and walk the first two days (the catheter definitely didn’t help).
Posie was able to return to us in our hospital room the next day while Artie continued to need NICU support to maintain his blood sugar levels.
We spent over a week in hospital, we went and spent time in NICU daily with Artie while he was getting stronger ( they were 5 weeks premature and so he just wasn’t quite ready to be out of the womb just yet).
Artie had to have a feeding tube to ensure he was getting his full feeds as he wasn’t yet able to latch onto a bottle and as a result, his blood sugar levels were unstable (preemie babies have to work so hard to latch and it can tire them out quickly).
Artie also had Jaundice which required the blue light therapy, poor boy, he didn’t have the easiest of starts.
It was emotionally draining knowing Posie was with us but her poorly brother was still in NICU.
The week felt long, at this point, I’d been in hospital for 2 weeks and had enough of the four walls and the lack of air in our room ( we were very grateful for the side room).
Within a week, Artie was moved in with us with his feeding tube, we had the support of the transitional care team 24/7, who were always so helpful. Myself and the husband had to have training on how to tube feed Artie to be able to bring him home safely as he still wasn’t taking feeds by the bottle.
Discharge day happened and then it was a whole new set of worries. The house is cold? The feeding tube may not work? The unknown of not having transitional care team around us 24/7 in the event something goes wrong and then the worry of being first time parents and not knowing what to do!
However, once we got home and unpacked and set up our baby changing station, the cot and feeding station, we soon found our own routine and Artie quickly settled taking more and more of his bottles.
I believe coming home really helped Artie thrive and his feeding drastically improved within the first few days. I also believe, that it’s true what people say ‘mother instinct’ gets you through the early days of motherhood.
And I can truly say, that being a twin mum (along with its challenges) has made me a better version of myself, and I am whole heartedly the happiest I’ve ever been
I hope you enjoyed Annabel’s last blog on her twins early arrival – you can ready all my guest blogs here.
New guest blogger for 2024 - pregnant mama Becky
Welcome to my new mama and guest blogger Becky
I feel very lucky to have this opportunity to have these photos taken with Jess. With this being my second pregnancy I understand this time around how important it is to capture all these little moments to cherish forever, and something for our baby to look back on in years to come!
I am currently 29 weeks pregnant, due on 30th April, I feel like the time really is flying by!
Baby is now the size as a butternut squash at 38.6cm from head to heel! I feel like my bump is growing by the day, we have decided to keep the gender a surprise which we also done with our daughter who is now 2 years 4 months, it really is the best-kept secret!
Of course we have been playing guessing games as to what gender we think baby will be, as both my pregnancies have been very similar I really thought baby may be another girl, but after our 20 week scan and theories from the scan photo to go by I am now thinking they could be a boy!
Our daughter Amelia is so excited to be a big sister, she loves babies so I am hoping she is going to adore her sibling just as much! Now my bump is getting bigger she is more aware, we told her as soon as we found out that she was going to be a big sister and there is a baby in mummy’s tummy so she has been aware the whole pregnancy, but I feel like now she can see the bump growing and feel baby move she is more aware and excited.
We haven’t had too much to buy this time around as we have kept a lot of our daughters things, as we didn’t find out the gender with either babies we have a lot of newborn essentials that are neutral, I’ve already started to wash and prepare some of the newborn clothes ready and feeling so emotional as it only feels like yesterday I was doing it all in my first pregnancy, and remembering our daughter in all the little clothes, it will be so special to put our next baby in them too!
We have another scan booked at 32 weeks as when we went for our 20 week scan the sonographer wasn’t sure if my placenta was covering my cervix (I had no idea what this would mean) they explained we will need another scan at 32 weeks to check if it’s moved, if it has then all being well I will hopefully be able to deliver baby naturally, if the placenta is still covering the cervix then they said they will usually do another scan at 36 weeks to check again if it may have moved, if at this stage it hasn’t I will be booked in for a caesarean.
As I am writing this I feel like baby is having a party in my tummy! It really is the best feeling and we can’t wait to meet you little one!
You can view lots of my other guest bloggers here.