Fertility journey & first trimester
I have a new pregnancy blogger.
Please have a read of her first blog, all about their Fertility journey & first trimester
First trimester.
About me
I always had a plan in the future to have a large family to replicate what I had growing up. I was one of four and a twin myself. Our family holidays were always adventurous.
I wanted to travel and get into teaching before I embarked on motherhood. I turned 30 and me and my husband got married after 10 years together. We knew then it was the right time to have a family. However, my ideal future plans didn’t turn out the way I had hoped.
Fertility journey
A couple of years passed of marriage bliss and long haul holidays and we knew it was time to see a Doctor as we couldn’t seem to fall pregnant. The GP was very understanding and immediately referred us to our local ivf clinic. The months turned into years but we are forever grateful for the amazing team we had around us.
A Positive pregnancy test
We had our last two embryos transferred after our previous losses. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw another positive pregnancy test. This time, I have found it hard to get excited and plan family dreams for the future. I am forever much protecting my heart and taking each week and appointment as it comes. I have been experiencing extreme episodes of thirst, nausea and exhaustion but I am so grateful to be pregnant.
Scan day
The time finally arrived for us to attend our ivf clinic for a vitality scan. With tears rolling down our faces, we were so shocked to hear that both our babies had heart beats and everything was going so well at just over 7 weeks. This was a special moment we will never forget.
Booking appointment
At my 10 week booking appointment, I felt totally out of place. It didn’t feel real, like it was too early to plan the future of our twin pregnancy and I wasn’t far enough along to feel like I required a midwife. Thankfully, I had a lovely midwife who made me feel at ease straight away and it was clear that from here on, I was going to be well looked after with future scans and many health checks.

Sharing our precious news
Now we have passed those important first 12 weeks (after what felt like an eternity), we shared our news with close family and friends who are so excited for us. I do wish I could be as excited as them and at times feel guilty that I am so detached from my feelings right now.
I am told that’s completely normal after our previous experiences and the beginning of physical changes to my body will help me to relax. I am so grateful for the nausea, it reassures me that I’m still pregnant.
I am now looking forward to the next scan and meeting our consultant to hear more about a multiple pregnancy.
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