Pregnancy diaries – 31/32 weeks pregnant third trimester 2017

I am now in my third trimester and this week I had the lovely job of being a superhero in our swimming lesson at the Waterbabies Splashathon, raising money for Tommys.

It got me thinking, if you were a superhero what superpowers would you have. Mine would have to be ‘pop off’ powers. At the click of your fingers, you could be anywhere – a sun-kissed tropical island, feeding monkeys in the jungle or simply snuggled in bed! To me that would be amazing, however, us girls already have a superpower and that’s to grow humans! Believe me, that’s not something I’ve taken for granted as for some it’s not always a given but when it happens it’s the strangest and most wonderful thing all rolled into one. In fact, I’ve decided the third trimester is the hardest on the body. Alright, the sickness and nausea (if you experience it) in the first trimester is pretty grim and the second trimester brings with it tiredness and growth spurts but everything is gradual. The third trimester, on the other hand, seems to have everything rolled into what feels like a short 3 months. Your body is managing your extra weight, as well as your growing baby constantly moving around. You may have uncomfortable legs or swollen ankles, a sore back or pelvis, a glucose intolerance, low iron levels, I could go on! And to top it all your emotions don’t know if they’re coming or going! You’re also mentally preparing to birth, organising your hospital bag and a nursery all while carrying on your daily routine. I feel cream crackered just thinking about it!


In fact I’ve decided the third trimester is the hardest on the body. Alright, the sickness and nausea (if you experience it) in the first trimester is pretty grim and the second trimester brings with it tiredness and growth spurts but everything is gradual. The third trimester, on the other hand, seems to have everything rolled into what feels like a short 3 months. Your body is managing your extra weight, as well as your growing baby constantly moving around. You may have uncomfortable legs or swollen ankles, a sore back or pelvis, a glucose intolerance, low iron levels, I could go on! And to top it all your emotions don’t know if they’re coming or going! You’re also mentally preparing to birth, organising your hospital bag and a nursery all while carrying on your daily routine. I feel cream crackered just thinking about it!

I’ve been relatively well during this pregnancy but have just experienced a two-day taster of Baby M being in the most uncomfortable position ever. Possible breach, I’m not sure but it felt like I had broken ribs, chronic neck and shoulder pain and flu. Oh and 3lb of baby weight pushing down. I spent a day in bed and then trying to mobilise Baby M through stretching and moving on my gym ball. It worked thank goodness. I can’t imagine feeling like that for the rest of my pregnancy. Fingers crossed that’s not coming back.

From a family perspective, Andy has been an absolute trouper. He puts up with my completely mushed baby brain and helps out when he can after a long day in the big smoke. We haven’t quite got to the rubbing feet and massage stage yet but it’s coming. I hope ;0). If not I’m sure Jasmine will help do that! In fact, she’s been talking about her little sister a lot. Allocating toys and clothes she’s going to give her and looking forward to playing and doing cartwheels with her. Cute!

I’ve been reading my hypnobirthing notes to get set for our birthing workshop run by the lovely Jackie Heffer-Cooke of The Orange Grove Clinic. I’m looking forward to feeling in control of my birth which up until now I’ve felt a little anxious about. This pregnancy has been different to the first in many ways and I feel apprehensive. Still, only time will tell. I’ll let you know how the Birthing Toolkit workshop went next time. Now I’m grabbing 5mins to put my feet up while Jasmine is sleeping!



click here to read Ali’s other blogs , we can’t wait for the next installment.