
Pregnancy blogger 32 weeks - when is the baby going to be born?

Pregnancy blogger 32 weeks - when is the baby going to be born?

Blog 32 weeks

I was 3 years old when I climbed up in to the saddle and rode my first horse. My mother was an amazing horse woman and rider who actively encouraged me into riding from a young age. I grew up around these beautiful, gentle yet unpredictable beasts and from time to time I would find myself galloping off in the distance, firmly holding the reins (and sometimes gripping on to the saddle for dear life) before ending up safely back at home. Now that I have reached 32 weeks of this pregnancy I can certainly feel parallels between the rapid speed of this journey and the galloping horse bolting towards the finish line. I am well and truly strapped into the saddle of this wild and unpredictable ride…. and I am embracing it all.

Having a wild toddler and an energetic 5yr old at home with me 24/7 during a summer holiday heatwave (whilst feeling like an exhausted whale and still working) has been interesting. I have definitely felt the desire to go inwards and slow down ~ although August has not been the easiest month to actively put the breaks on. My health has been good up to this point and now I really feel the effects of carrying a little life, placenta, fluid and an extra 500ml of blood in my body. The morning sickness has returned, I definitely feel more achey and less supple and by the end of the day my feet have swollen so much I can barely fit in my shoes. However, each moment feels like a gift and is a beautiful reminder of how amazing my body is to adapt by creating, carrying and nourishing a whole new human in my womb.


I feel grateful to have a small garden for the children to play in and watch our veggie patch grow. Just waiting for the seeds to sprout and bloom into beautiful flowers, vegetables and fruit has helped them learn valuable lessons about patience, time and growth. They know this baby is taking time to grow into the little soul he or she will be, just like their little seeds they lovingly water each day.

I am feeling empowered and excited to greet my little baby in autumn. I have been carving out time each day to do “one” thing to prepare either my mind, body or spirit for birth. Some days I stretch and flow in a simple pregnancy yoga sequence (the kids love to join in), other days I have been immersing myself in books about birth, or watching positive birth videos and listening to amazing birth stories. I was kindly gifted a place on an online conscious birth course which has has been transformational because it has enabled me to realise I have the power within ME to make informed, empowered and conscious choices for how I will birth my baby. I am still journalling and have started the process of creating a little birth Altar adorned with birth affirmations, crystals, a beautiful pregnant statue my sister bought for me and other small items that I will likely use in the birth space. My birth playlist is slowly getting created and I’m listening to lots of music and dancing and avoiding hearing anything negative (E.g. the news).


They say that no two babies are the same, just as birth is different and unique for all birthing families. My first birth was my teacher. My second birth was my healer. I am excited to see what this little soul and birth experience will bring to our lives. I am really keen to have a water birth but due to complications with my illness, I am ‘technically’ classed as a high-risk pregnancy and birth that will require monitoring on a labour/delivery ward. I am hopeful that my request to give birth on a midwife-led unit will be listened to, however, I am keeping my mind and options open because I know what an unpredictable ride birth (just like my horses) can be.

Everything that I ‘thought’ was important during my first pregnancy ~ such as the baby clothes/Moses basket/blankets/hospital bag etc is physically being sorted in the background. My main focus this time is on really connecting to my body and baby, tuning into my maternal instincts and intuition and planning for a nourishing and healing 4th trimester (or postpartum journey).


I am not sure how many weeks I have left before I get to hold this little soul in my arms. Each time the children ask “when is the baby going to be born?” I simply reply…. “when the leaves turn golden orange and start to fall from the trees, the baby will know when to come”. I still have so much I want to do before the golden brown leaves do start to fall from the trees! But I am trying not to get too swept up in the business of planning and preparing this time and simply and mindfully enjoying each moment and each day of this beautiful, wild, unpredictable ride.

Cristi has a bump shoot this week with me, I loved seeing Theo and Eden again- check out some of their images below.

I cant wait to hear more about her pregnancy and birth soonish…


Pregnancy & covid - 28 week blog

Pregnancy & covid – 28 week blog

Pregnancy & covid – 28 week blog

There were a tough few weeks between 24 and 28 weeks. My husband was unwell for a few weeks. Which meant it was quite full on pretty much looking after our two boys solo whilst lacking energy and ease of mobility myself.


Then covid hit the house! My 6.5yr old son tested positive on the Saturday but only had very mild symptoms, then hubby became positive on the Monday and was totally wiped out with it.


I tested positive on the Wednesday! I won’t lie- I was a little worried how this might transpire with being pregnant etc. The midwives were great. I called them the day I became positive and they reassured me that I’d done the best thing already by having the vaccines and that they’d put me on their virtual covid ward.


This is where a midwife would call me each day to check on me and they’d send me an oximeter. Fortunately, I had nothing more than cold symptoms (which seemed to linger for weeks!!), because I didn’t actually get a call until a week later! Chocolate deliveries from friends helped sweeten our family isolation, for which we were very grateful.

pregnancy and covid

My 28 week scan showed both twins were growing well with no concerns. Twin 2 is proving to be much more active than Twin 1, as Twin 1 has remained head down but Twin 2 is constantly shuffling around- even during the scan!

 Twin 1 was 2lb 13 and Twin 2 2lb 15, so still very similar sizes. I also had another midwife appointment at 28 weeks with the usual obs and blood test. It was nigh impossible for them to figure out how they were positioned then but always reassuring to hear their heartbeats. The twins had slightly different heart rates meaning they could tell them apart.

 I’ve found this stage in pregnancy tough in that, particularly with twins, my bump is getting so big already.

 And what I can do and how much I can do gets more limited by the day and I’ve still got weeks to go! It’s very much like a limbo stage of waiting.

 Then alongside that is the mum guilt I have of not being on top mummy form for my boys. Not being able to take them out and about as I would normally. I physically can’t walk that far or keep up with them or be on my feet for so long.

 Despite all the mummy guilt I have at the moment, both boys have been great and not moaned an ounce about it.

pregnancy and covid

Third time pregnancy is also so much harder because there is so much more to be done than first time pregnancy.

 I have to be so much more active with the school runs and making sure two little people (not quite so little anymore) are ready for school/nursery and bedtime etc- life never stops even when you’re pregnant with twins!

 A real treat of the last 4 weeks was having a maternity photo shoot with Jess! Now I’m not one for being centre of attention or posing for photos but Jess made it so relaxed and a lovely experience!

 I’d not had a maternity shoot before, but I would definitely highly recommend one. Jess particularly has such a talent for the natural simplistic elegant style. The photos will be definitely be treasured.

Family photographer Hethersett


Another highlight over these last few weeks was the baby shower that an amazing friend arranged for me. Like I said I’m not one to be centre of attention, so it was a lovely low key afternoon tea style baby shower surrounded by friends. I was totally overwhelmed with everyone’s generosity too, not just in new gifts but with everything that people have passed onto us. We have truly been blessed.


Only 9 weeks left to go!


read Kate’s other blogs here

Maternity photographer Costessey

When did you tell people about your pregnancy ? 12- 16 weeks guest blog

When did you tell people about your pregnancy ? 12- 16 weeks guest blog


When did you tell people about your pregnancy ? Since finding out that we’re expecting, it has been incredibly difficult to keep a secret.  I was so excited and wanted to tell everyone straight away…and start shopping!

Sam and I agreed that we would wait until we were out of the “danger zone” and tell everyone after 12 weeks, however, this didn’t happen.  I found it extremely stressful not telling anyone; after just 3 weeks I persuaded Sam to let me tell our best friends.  They were already suspicious and telling me that I must be pregnant due to not drinking!  So, I jumped straight at the opportunity to use this as an excuse to tell them.

It felt so good to finally tell someone, and to be able to discuss the pregnancy and get excited about it all over again.  This was short lived, as I was desperate to tell more people.  After another few weeks I decided it was time to tell my mum and her partner.  I was so excited and nervous before telling them, I was shaking and full of butterflies!

I gave my mum a replica scratch card we had ordered from eBay and a 2p to prompt her to scratch it straight away.  The suspense of her scratching the card so slowly and immaculately was killing me, and I ended up crying before she had scratched the revealing panel.

Again, the relief I felt after telling them was huge, and I felt like a massive weight had been lifted.  I’m not sure if anyone else has had this feeling of desperation to tell someone something, but I have never experienced anything like it before.  After another couple of weeks, I told the rest of my family and work colleagues and the secret was finally out.

The following week we had our 12 weeks scan which went very well.  I had drunk gallons of water prior to the scan in hope of a clear picture, except, the baby had other ideas.  The baby was moving around so much and wasn’t “posing” for a picture, so I had to lay on either side, lift my bum up off the bed and wriggle around until it was in a position for that perfect scan photo.  All of this was exceptionally difficult because every time I moved it made me need the loo more and more!

Leading up to the scan I found it very strange knowing I was pregnant with no official confirmation, only the two home pregnancy tests I had taken.  To finally see a real-life baby inside me was amazing and clarified the morning sickness and lack of appetite.

exercising when pregnant

I have been extraordinarily lucky so far in my pregnancy and have only suffered from mild morning sickness.  Actually, my sickness hits me at around 4pm and lasts until I go to bed.  I would feel nauseous and have sudden hunger pangs but wouldn’t fancy anything to eat, especially the usual healthy vegetable, lean meat and fish.  Instead, I opted for pot noodles, pasta and mash potato! Luckily, this only lasted until around week 16.

Sam and I are both quite active and like to take part in most kinds of sports activities.  So far, the pregnancy hasn’t stopped me doing anything I wouldn’t normally do.  We have been mountain biking around challenging routes and have been invited out with friends go karting and paintballing, where I just made sure I had plenty of padding around the middle.


I think, as long as you know your fitness and limits, you should be able to carry on with your usually activities and face no problems.  I am early on in my pregnancy and I think as I get bigger, I may have to change a few things!

tell people pregnancy

They say that moving to a new house is one of the most stressful things you can do, not only did I find it stressful but exceptionally hard work.  Sam and I had only hired a van for 24hrs and were both working away leading up to the move meaning that we had to pack the van and unload at the new house in one day!  I didn’t find it too bad until we were still unloading the van during a dark cold night and our new house is over 3 floors, where we were storing most things on the top floor for the time being.  At one point I sat on the top stair and had a little cry.  I was so exhausted from the constant back and forth carrying boxes all day that I felt so guilty for putting the baby through this pressure. On the other hand, I also felt guilty for Sam who was obviously lifting the heavier things and working at twice my pace.  I didn’t have my mini melt down until we were almost done, so I gave myself a few minutes rest before getting the job finished.  Since this experience, I now make a conscious effort to remember I am pregnant and to make sure that I don’t push myself that far again.

I am looking forward to feeling those little flutters everyone keeps telling me about…

When did you tell people about your pregnancy ? You can read Eloise’s other blog here

finding out im pregnant norfolk blogger

Introducing my new guest blogger - Finding Out

Introducing my new guest blogger – Finding Out 

Finding Out


We had been umming and ahhing about when the perfect time is to have a baby and decided that the perfect time doesn’t exist and to get on with it. 

My cycle had been irregular since coming off the pill in February 2019.  After just one month of trying to conceive I decided to take start taking an ovulation every day to track my cycle.  The test kept showing a negative reading, so I made an appointment to discuss my concerns with a doctor.  I thought it was best to get the ball rolling early, in case there was something sinister waiting for us down the line.  I had blood tests taken which came back clearTwo weeks later, on a rainy Sunday afternoon with nothing to do, I decided to take a pregnancy test.  I expected the test to show negative and had prepared myself to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day!

I peed in an old quark pot which I had been using for my ovulation tests previously.  Dipped the test in and left it balanced on the pot for the next few minutes while I tidied the room.  My partner came in and out a few times and had not noticed the test on the side.  When he next left the room, I wondered over to check the test.  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing – two red lines!

finding out im pregnant norfolk blogger

I checked the packet and checked the test again, yes it was positive!  I then shouted ‘Sam, come in here’.  My Fiancé Sam thought that something was wrong, or that I had seen a spider.  He came over to find me pointing at the test.  I didn’t know what to say, I just pointed.  Sam picked me up and hugged me so tightly before putting me back down to the check the packet and test again.

Family Photographer Wymondham

I then went straight to boots to buy a test where it can tell you how far gone you are.  I took the test at 5.30am the next morning before Sam left for work which concluded yes, I am defiantly pregnant, and I was 2-3 weeks gone.  This is where the biggest secret of our lives started.

Eloise will be back with anoteht blog in a few weeks!


to read other blogs click here.

hospital bag

Guest Blog - Packing my hospital bag - then and now

Guest blog Packing my hospital bag then and now. 


Why am I considering packing my hospital bag at only 32 weeks I hear you ask? Well… in all honesty, during my first pregnancy I left everything until the last minute, a few weeks before I was scheduled to be induced and my hospital bag choices were poor to say the least.
In my last blog I mentioned how naive I felt during my first pregnancy. I never truly informed myself of what giving birth entailed and how best to prepare for a positive and calm birth. Instead, I followed everything the consultants told me.. I never questioned anything or researched what terms such as “induction” or “birthing plan” meant. My hospital bag was no different. I downloaded a small list (probably from Pinterest) of the ‘general’ things mamas-to-be should pack and left my little mini suitcase in the baby nursery until the date arrived for me to be induced.
I was so excited about meeting my baby (Eden) that I naively assumed being induced meant I could simply meet her quicker. My hospital bag contained a few baby grows/sleep suits and vests, nappies, muslins, blanket and a going home outfit for the baby (I was so excited about it I forgot to pack my own “going home clothes”). I also remembered a towel, a night dress, tooth brush/hair brush, some knickers and I had read that I would need thick sanitary pads (I took a handful). I was most excited about the snacks I had chosen to munch during labour (a big bag of dried pineapple and some jelly babies!). I didn’t have a birth plan because my belief was it was better to go with the flow and not have any plans set in stone.
It is safe to say I was a little overwhelmed after giving birth and I definitely remember having to call my mum and ask her to bring me some disposable mesh panties and more pads! (I walked out of hospital the same day as giving birth wearing my pyjama bottoms and partners coat (it was snowing).
Fast forward two years to this (my second) pregnancy and I am incredibly keen to learn from my first birth experience.. including my hospital bag!

hospital bag

So what have I packed so far and what do I intend to take with me? (A lot more than jelly babies and a hair brush this time!)….

For the baby… I am keeping it simple! A friend has kindly gifted me some of her baby boy sleep suits and my mum has bought some cute new baby vests. Of course the usual blanket, muslin cloth, going home outfit (it will be November so we plan to wrap him warmly) and a newborn hat I bought recently that was knitted by someone’s nanny, all the proceeds went to a local breastfeeding charity and as I plan to breastfeed again the hat was a given. I am trying to be more eco-friendly in my choices this time. We plan to use cloth nappies (re-useable nappies) and I have spent a long time researching the different types and styles. I am still learning but I have managed to source around 40 (recommended for a stash) from local pre-loved groups and for-sale sites. Baby wipes (I also have some reusable cloth wipes), some disposable nappies to start us off and Edens old baby car seat for the journey home… (I think I have remembered everything?).

As for me.. although I always travel light, I am certainly more prepared than I was with my first birth experience. Although I wouldn’t change anything about my first labour, Im aiming for a calmer, more positive and less clinical birth than before. For this to happen I have ensured I have packed the following:

  • – BIRTH PLAN! This time I have fully researched all my options and know what I want/need to have the birth I wish for. Expressing my wishes on paper helps the midwives and consultants, although I am flexible to adapt should there be a necessity to do so.
  • – affirmation cards to place all around the room whilst I’m in labour to help my mind guide my body.
  • – battery operated tea lights to add to the relaxing environment
  • – affirmation MP3 and relaxing music
  • – iphone with surge (contraction timer) app
  • – positive birthing book (hypnobirthing) giving me the tools I need to have a positive birth
  • – I’m still researching essential oils but I have heard Clary Sage can have a calming effect.
  • – Positive notes I have made, little mantras to read and guide my breathing
  • – wireless headphones (I may need to borrow some) as I wish to be as mobile and free to roam around as possible… I don’t want to be “connected” to anything
  • – birthing ball (i will likely use one supplied) I want to remain active and upright
  • – A large refillable canteen (drinks bottle) as fluids are essential to ensure all the oxygen and blood flows around your body to your uterus. (I also got dehydrated last time!)
  • – SNACKS! This time I’m opting for lots of dried fruit, salty oat cakes, home made granola and energy balls (usually made up of dates/seeds/nuts/cocoa). Pineapple and raspberry leaf tea… quite possibly a big bag of sweets.
  • – As for my body… a big pack of disposable knickers and pads (I learnt the hard way last time), coconut oil for my lips (they were blistered and cracked in my first labour), a familiar t-shirt or top to give birth in and a bikini top if I am lucky enough to get a room with a birthing pool. Going home trousers/top, hair brush, tooth brush and paste. I have heard witch hazel can help with postpartum healing and indeed many people recommend something like “spritz-for-bits”.. but I need to research those options further. Oh and a picture of Eden.. as this will be the first time I have ever spent more than 8hours away from her since she was born.

I have roughly 8 weeks until my “due date”, so I am sure I will discover more essentials to pack. However – it is clear my choices this time are more informed and geared towards making the environment relaxing, calm and positive. I am excited and I finally feel prepared.

I hope you found this blog “Packing my hospital bag – then and now” helpful and you can rea other guest blogs here.

pregnant with a toddler

Guest Blogger -  Being pregnant with a toddler 

Guest Blogger –  Being pregnant with a toddler 2019


Being pregnant with a toddler – So, I am standing on the front driveway, wearing men’s over sized jogging bottoms, a large hoody and flip-flops shouting to my partner who is cleaning the car: “Oh, wow.. I’m actually 24 weeks pregnant! Not 21 weeks as I have been telling everyone!”…

The realisation came as somewhat of a surprise to me. I had been writing down the antenatal appointments on our calendar (if I don’t write them down I miss them – thank you baby brain) and on the left hand column I had neatly written out all the weeks of my pregnancy to track each trimester.

Having temporarily skipped by almost 3 weeks of my pregnancy made me feel a little sad. With my first pregnancy I had downloaded every baby/pregnancy APP available.. I read about each trimester with interest and we were excitedly planning the nursery, shopping for clothes/buggy/cot/bedding/baby toys/teddies and a Moses basket.

It is different as being pregnant with a toddler, pregancy with baby no.2 has been a very different experience. The obvious difference is that we don’t really “need” anything. We kept Edens Moses basket, buggy, cot, teddies and toys. I’ve not downloaded the weekly tracking Apps and indeed I have quite forgotten how many weeks pregnant I am. But I don’t believe this is necessary a negative thing. As a newly pregnant mama I was very naive, completely overwhelmed and overjoyed and very inexperienced. My body had never been through pregnancy before… we were learning together – week by week. With baby no.2 I feel a powerful trust in my body, it knows what it is doing and I’m used to the subtle cues (the cute little kicks reminding me I’m doing a good job, my breasts feeling fuller as my body prepares to nourish my baby and lets not forget the restless legs at night).

Being pregnant with a toddler is also a whole new world! During my first pregnancy I could take a long bath when I wanted, lay down and watch a boxset if I fancied, book a massage or even sleep in the day if needed to. There are no such luxuries with a 2 year old who depends on you for everything. The days are long and my feet and legs are beginning to feel the increased weight gain, yet my little human wants to go outside, to the park or on an adventure, to get paints out, play hide and seek or go for a bike ride. I don’t want the pregnancy to change our daily life, although some adaptations have been made to help ease ‘life’s little stresses’ (thank you grocery home delivery!)

pregnant with a toddler

But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Although the days are certainly more tiring, the look on Edens face when she feels her baby brother kicking is priceless. And I love nothing more than cuddling her to sleep and feeling the baby kick as we all lay together. It’s a magical feeling and I can’t wait for her to meet him.

Although this pregnancy is different to my first, I am definitely MAKING THE MOST OF IT! I feel like I wished my first pregnancy away, desperate to meet her and feeling fed up with the aches and pains (boy do I wish I made the most of those long days alone on the sofa!) Yet this pregnancy is already speeding by and I find myself clinging on to each day, each memory as it will most likely be my last pregnancy and I will never get to experience these moments again. Having a lively toddler AND being 6 months pregnant is one wild ride! I’m embracing each day and enjoying it as I know it will all be over too soon.

If you wish to read more blogs you can find them here , or wish to discuss a shoot you can look at my galleries or chat to me. 

5 Ways To Keep Cool When Pregnant

The summer months are here (hurrah!) but not so much fun if you are pregnant, so here are 5 Ways To Keep Cool When Pregnant.

You begin to frequent supermarket freezer aisles a bit too much, you have the Dyson fan sitting in your Amazon basket and an unhealthy obsession with ice pops.

Have no fear we are here to help!

Bump photographer Norwich





















Here are our top 5 ways to keep cool when pregnant whether you are at home or out and about.

Take A Swim

This is probably one of the easiest ways to keep cool when pregnant, whether it be in the sea, the local pool or my favourite chucking your toddler out of the paddling pool and occupying it despite is protests of ‘MUUUMMMMMM get out’, being in the water is great for keeping cool when pregnant and also good to reduce any swelling you may have too.

Stay Indoors

Remember when you saw the first glimpse of sun grabbed the tanning oil (okay the cooking oil from the cupboard) and your bikini and whiled away the afternoon worshipping the sun? Yes, summer is a very different story when your pregnant I am afraid. If you can try to avoid the midday Sun by keeping inside with your feet up and curtains closed to cool the room down. Well, it’s the perfect excuse to catch up on The Handmaid’s Tale at least and it will keep you cool when pregnant.

Water Spray

Never before will you look at a tiny plastic squirty bottle with as much love as when you're pregnant and hot. Keeping a little spray bottle of water in your bag, or when at home in the fridge is a quick way to cool down when you are pregnant. You can also buy sprays that claim to cool you down as well. Try running your wrists under the cold tap, and wetting a flannel and placing it on the back of the neck too for a quick way to keep cool when pregnant.


What’s that noise? Oh, it’s just the gentle whirring of a fan in every single room of the house! Soon you will find that you will only suggest to meet in places with amazing air conditioning and buy lots of extension leads so you can buy more fans! Don’t forget to get a mini fan or two to carry with you to keep cool when your pregnant, and one for the hospital bag is an essential if your due to give birth in the hot summer months.

No Cold Showers

As much as your tempted to jump and have a cold shower, try to avoid it, being pregnant you're running slightly hotter so to cool down you must do it gradually. Try a lukewarm shower or bath and put on some loose-fitting clothes. If all else fails, kick the toddler out the paddling pool again!

Are you currently heavily pregnant, or have been pregnant during summer?

We would love to hear how you kept cool when pregnant!


Find more useful blogs here.


Vicki aka NICU Mum.


Norwich baby photographer

How to Dress Your Bump Maternity portraits

How to Dress Your Bump for your Maternity portraits 2018


Deciding what to wear for your maternity portraits, when none of your clothes fit you anymore can be a real challenge. Luckily, getting your maternity photoshoot outfit right is easier than you think, all you need is a few carefully selected accessories and a bit of know-how.


A belt

 A belt can be used to adjust your outfit, make it more flattering and emphasise your bump. Place the belt just above your bump and below your bosom to draw in any loose clothing, add a splash of colour to your outfit and make your bump really stand out.


Maxi dress

 When it comes to dressing for a maternity photo shoot, the maxi dress is very much your friend. Available from most maternity clothes shops and high street fashion brands, maxi dresses help to draw attention to your bump while making your silhouette look slim and smooth. What’s more, maxi dresses are very comfortable, so you’ll feel happier and more at ease throughout the shoot.


Block colours


To ensure the photos don’t look too busy, try to stick to block colours when selecting your outfit. As well as giving the photos a lovely aesthetic, this will help to ensure your bump isn’t obscured by patterns, prints, and textures. To add a unified look to your photo series, select a colour palette, using accessories and outfits that complement and enhance each other throughout the shoot.




Accessories are a fantastic way to add colour and detail to your maternity look. Chunky necklaces work well with maxi dresses as they add visual interest to the top of your outfit and help to balance out your look. You can also add layers like wraps, coats, and scarfs to your outfit to make it more vibrant and eye-catching.


Make it classic


Though you’re capturing a specific moment in time with a maternity photoshoot, it’s a good idea to choose a classic, timeless look to ensure your images don’t look too dated too quickly. Try to avoid clothes that are faddy or trendy, opting instead for outfits that will stand the test of time. As well as helping your photos to look great, this approach will also ensure that your maternity wear is still on trend next time you’re pregnant.

Sourcing fashionable maternity clothes

 Though shopping for maternity outfits can be fun, sourcing clothes that are fashionable, as well as practical, isn’t always easy. The best place to start is word of mouth recommendations, so the other pregnant women you know where they buy their clothes. If that fails, you can either hit the high street or, if you want to take the weight off your feet and avoid trawling shop after shop, go online and see what specialist brands have to offer.

My favourite picks are


If you’re thinking about planning a maternity shoot of your own and want to find out more, give us a call today.


pregnancy photographer Norwich
Norwich baby photographer
bump photographer Norfolk
pregnancy photographer Norwich
bump photographer Cringleford
  Newborn photographer Wymondham 

mum with bump thern with abby

Maternity sessions - capture that bump !Norwich studio

Maternity sessions - capture that bump! Norwich studio

I am not just saying this I truly believe maternity sessions and capturing bumps and pregnancy is an awesome thing to do, and these are held at my cosy home studio in Norwich.

Why? You are only pregnant once, twice or a few times in your life, and you soon forget what it is like to have that beautiful bump. I have never been one for having my photo taken. I love being behind the camera but when I was pregnant both times I wanted to document that time. I do not regret having my photos taken by Cass Davies Photography. But if I didn't have them, then I know I would have regretted that. I took many iPhone snaps but it's not the same! Please  see the comparison below





It is easy to take your own photos of your growing bump. But I feel it's lovely to have some taken by someone else. To have that time in the studio or on location to capture you and your bump.



I have recently had the pleasure of photographing lots of pregnant ladies! As I said the pregnancy was the one time I booked a shoot and had my photos taken willingly. I loved being pregnant first time around (when not suffering from sickness), the second time was more tiring but I still loved my bumps. I am so pleased I booked Cassie, even though I was nervous.


Here are some of my maternity images :


Maternity sessions Norwich

I have a few images framed from my maternity sessions,  but mainly have my bump images in my children's photo albums. I love the fact that they will be able to look back and see what I looked like then carrying them.




Maternity sessions are fun and about how you want them to look, some ladies want semi-nude, some more casual and some ladies prefer getting outdoors in a location across Norfolk.


A maternity shoot best between 32-36 weeks pregnant to capture your beautiful

if you wish to book this at the Norwich studio? Then please contact me or email me


Jess x