Introducing my new guest blogger – Finding Out 

Finding Out


We had been umming and ahhing about when the perfect time is to have a baby and decided that the perfect time doesn’t exist and to get on with it. 

My cycle had been irregular since coming off the pill in February 2019.  After just one month of trying to conceive I decided to take start taking an ovulation every day to track my cycle.  The test kept showing a negative reading, so I made an appointment to discuss my concerns with a doctor.  I thought it was best to get the ball rolling early, in case there was something sinister waiting for us down the line.  I had blood tests taken which came back clearTwo weeks later, on a rainy Sunday afternoon with nothing to do, I decided to take a pregnancy test.  I expected the test to show negative and had prepared myself to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day!

I peed in an old quark pot which I had been using for my ovulation tests previously.  Dipped the test in and left it balanced on the pot for the next few minutes while I tidied the room.  My partner came in and out a few times and had not noticed the test on the side.  When he next left the room, I wondered over to check the test.  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing – two red lines!

finding out im pregnant norfolk blogger

I checked the packet and checked the test again, yes it was positive!  I then shouted ‘Sam, come in here’.  My Fiancé Sam thought that something was wrong, or that I had seen a spider.  He came over to find me pointing at the test.  I didn’t know what to say, I just pointed.  Sam picked me up and hugged me so tightly before putting me back down to the check the packet and test again.

Family Photographer Wymondham

I then went straight to boots to buy a test where it can tell you how far gone you are.  I took the test at 5.30am the next morning before Sam left for work which concluded yes, I am defiantly pregnant, and I was 2-3 weeks gone.  This is where the biggest secret of our lives started.

Eloise will be back with anoteht blog in a few weeks!


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