Top 8 must haves for pregnant mums in Norfolk

Top 8 must haves for pregnant mums in Norfolk 2018


Although not always the most comfortable period of a woman’s life, pregnancy is truly magical. To help these exciting nine months go by as easily as possible, I’ve made a list of the eight most essential things all Norfolk mums should have when they’re expecting.


  1. Motherly Love – Tums and Boobs Stretch Mark Oil


Using specially formulated oil throughout your pregnancy can help to maintain your skin elasticity, minimizing and even preventing stretch marks. Invest in good quality oil as soon as you know you’re pregnant and keep using it until after the baby is born for the best results. Jan is an ex-midwife and super lovely.


  1. Esme Dresses


Most high street maternity wear is fairly samey. You’ll see a lot of stripes and dark colours but very few stylish pieces of clothing. If you want maternity items that are comfortable and eye-catching, take a look at the Esme Dresses collection. Get in touch with Laura and she can show you her wonderful collection.











  1. Pregnancy yoga with Jackie at the Orange Grove Clinic


Pregnancy yoga offers mums to be a fantastic chance to relax, unwind and prepare their bodies for childbirth. It’s also a great way to meet other mums in your local area. Both Pregnancy yoga with Jackie at the Orange Grove Clinic and Yoga Bumps are perfect for mums to be in Norfolk.







  1. Pregnancy massage


Pregnancy can be tough on your body, so why not reward yourself with a pregnancy massage? Designed to help ease aches and pains and leave you feeling revitalised, it’s an absolute essential for all pregnant women out there.


  1. Pregnancy pillow


In the later stages of pregnancy, sleeping on your side will be your only viable option. A specially designed pregnancy pillow will make this a lot more comfortable and make it a lot more likely you’ll get a good night’s sleep. I loved mine and then used to get cosy when feeding my babies.


  1. Sick bands


Although sick bands may not work for women with severe morning sickness, for those just feeling a little queasy they can offer real relief.


  1. Antenatal classes


Antenatal classes are a fantastic way to prepare your body and your mind for being a mum.  About Birth and Babies offer free early pregnancy classes all around the Norfolk area.


  1. Hypnobirthing classes


Hypnobirthing is growing quickly in popularity with mums to be across the country. Many women find it helps to make the birth calmer, easier and less traumatic for both mum and baby. Contact Jenni at Normal Birthing or  Jackie at the Orange Grove Clinic to find out more, both are great.


And if you want lots of information on what’s on, local baby groups pleas check out Norwich Mumbler.


Another thing to consider to do before your baby arrives is booking your newborn photo shoot. This wonderful time is all too fleeting, so make sure you capture it before it’s too late. I do sometimes have the odd last-minute slot so if the baby is here lets chat!




Guest blog: The secret to goal success for busy parents by Sam James Coaching

Guest blog: The secret to goal success for busy parents by Sam James Coaching.  2017


Are you fed up with feeling like your goals are bottom of the priority list? Do you feel like by the time you get round to doing your things, you’ve run out of willpower and energy?


As a parent you are busy juggling lots of different hats, and it can be exhausting at the best of times. Combine it with sleep deprivation and it can be a real motivation killer! So how can you start to tackle this, I hear you ask?!


The answer is in two parts. Planning and self-care.


Let’s talk planning for your busy life

Let’s tackle planning first. I am sure you have heard people say, “Make sure it is realistic” loads of times when talking about goal planning. Often this focuses on whether it is realistic for your abilities and the time that you have before the deadline. It very rarely takes the rest of your life into context and all the hats that you are juggling.


You could put together an awesome training plan for running a half marathon, and cover all the top tips that are out there, yet still not succeed. Often, this is because life is continuing to happen around you and your awesome plan, having an impact on your. I often hear the phrase “life keeps getting in the way!” So, make a plan that allows for this.


You need to adapt your plan to allow for life. Follow these steps to help you create a robust plan that will work for you and your family:

  1. Grab some paper, and draw 3 columns.
  2. Column 1: List all the different hats that you are juggling (eg family, work, friends, home)
  3. Column 2: What impact will my goal have on this part of my life?

When you start focussing on a goal, and working towards it, it will have a ripple effect in other areas of your life. There may be additional consequences in these areas, that you feel are worth it but until you consider it you won’t know. You might need to talk it through with other people to explain what’s going to happen. (Eg will you need to postpone a DIY project? will you have less time to spend with family? Will you need to ask for help?)

  1. Column 3: What impact will this part of my life have on my goal?

These are the things that are so often overlooked, that take you away from your plan and then you get frustrated with yourself for not sticking to your plan that week. Whereas, if you adapt your plan, accept there will be less progress some weeks, it is much kinder to yourself, and will allow you to stay on plan. Eg do you have a holiday booked which will reduce your progress for those few weeks? Do you have a pressured time at work that will require extra hours? Is your partner away for work? Do you have family coming to visit?

  1. Revisit your plan with this list in mind, and adapt it accordingly. If it is a long-term plan, I would recommend a monthly revisit to your list of hats you are juggling, to see what else is coming up.





Are you nourishing yourself?

Before embarking on a new challenge or goal, it is always worth taking time to check if you are nourishing your whole self, enough. I often speak with people who are feeling frustrated at their lack of motivation or will power. When we explore what else is happening for them, we often identify that they are running on empty in some area of their lives. You will not be able to keep going when faced with adversity, if you are already running on a part empty tank.


I’m a big advocate of reviewing and refining your self-care practices as part of your preparation for any goals. These promises you make to yourself, to nourish your whole being will make sustaining the other changes or goals a lot easier.


Grab another piece of paper and write down all the different things that you can do for yourself that act as a recharge, or replenish you in some way. Remember, self-care doesn't have to take all day, or be quiet time alone; it can also be exhilarating activities, doing things with others, as quick as a few minutes. Some examples to get you started:

  • Listening to music
  • Mindfulness
  • Catching up with a friend who leaves you feeling inspired / uplifted
  • Going outside for 5 minutes
  • Exercise that you enjoy
  • Reading a book
  • Saying No to things
  • Saying Yes to things you would normally say no to
  • Buying yourself some flowers to bring the outside, inside
  • Having an early night


For more tips on this, you can find more on my blog.


And my biggest tip, is to remember that you are human, you are doing the best that you can with you what you have right now. Be kind to yourself with the expectations you set for yourself.



More guest blogs can be found here - thank you Sam I hope this helps some of you reach your goals.


Avoid the latest fad diet! New year new you? Guest blog

Avoid the latest fad diet! New year new you? Guest blog blog Anna from Keep it Real Personal Training  2017













‘I’m going to lose weight in the new year’? ‘I’m going to get to the gym every day in the new year’ or ‘I’m going to detox after christmas’?


These are statements made every new year and sometimes we make drastic moves to achieve our goals.


With this in mind I have a penned a list of sensible adjustments you can make to every day life that will help you feel healthy, slimmer and more energetic.


  1. Avoid the latest fad diet, diet foods/drinks, sweeteners and any restrictive kind of diet. There is only one way.  Don’t over complicate things.... Choose foods from the fresh isles of the supermarket. Lean (unprocessed) meat or fish, veg (eat a whole rainbow of different coloured veg), nuts, seeds, some fruit.  Don’t cut out fats or Carbohydrates, they are an important source of energy but ensure you opt for the right sort.  Rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes are good sources of carbs and nuts, seeds, eggs, avocado and cheese (in moderation) are great for providing essential fatty acids.  Limit choices from processed food which is anything from ready meals to candy bars, crisps to biscuits.


  1. Exercise - choose a form of exercise you enjoy the most as you are more likely to stick with it. Perhaps find an exercise buddy so you can motivate each other.

Ensure your workout week includes 2-3 sessions of resistance exercise as it’s not only great for shaping the muscles and improving posture but is essential for raising the metabolism, which essentially means you burn more fat at rest.


Having been in the industry for over 25 years I have finally found my favourite form of exercise. It ticks all the boxes.  For me, my exercise of choice is Crossfit which is a program of constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement which can be scaled to suit any level or age.














  1. Change your relationship with food. Food is essential fuel for the body.  You wouldn’t put dirty, contaminated fuel in your car.  If you consistently did, you wouldn’t expect it to work very well or last very long would you?  You also wouldn’t expect it to work if the tank was empty would you?  Your body is no different.  You need to eat and drink a diet full of nutritious, healthy foods in order for your body to work optimally.  You cannot starve your body and hope it will keep working as it should.


  1. Trust the process. Be honest. Make short and long term (life long) health and fitness goals! Changes do not happen over night. If you are being honest about what you are putting in your mouth and how much energy you are exerting each day and you are creating a very small calorie deficit you will find weight will come of sensibly and steadily.


  1. KEEP IT REAL. Go for that drink, have that meal out, eat the cake but just don’t do it every day. I have an 80:20 rule. 80% goody two shoes 20% not so goody two shoes!  Don’t make changes you can’t keep up, be sensible, be realistic and don’t forget that life is for living and enjoying!

I hope these little tips help you through the new year.  I am more than happy to help with exercise and nutrition direction.. Drop me an email if you’d like to find out more.


Anna Jakob

Keep it Real Personal Training



To check out all my other amazing guest bloggers click here !


Guest blog from Babyfit are you exercising in pregnancy? If not, why not?

Are you exercising in pregnancy,  If not, why not? 2017

Most pregnant women who choose not to exercise tell me it’s because they don’t think it’s safe. Or they have been advised by helpful friends and family, often from older generations, that pregnancy is a time when you should do as little as possible. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Have you ever met someone who has run the London Marathon without doing months of training to work up to the big day?











It is true that many pregnant mums spend the first trimester (three months) feeling tired, nauseous and worried, and in those cases, rest is always best. But after your first scan, as soon as your energy levels recover, the best thing you can do for you and your baby gets moving. In fact, the Department of Health recommends aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week during a healthy pregnancy.

However, it is very important to choose the right sort of exercise. Going hell for leather to achieve peak physical fitness is neither appropriate nor safe. Exercise during pregnancy should be viewed as a positive way to nourish your body and help support the physical and emotional changes you are going through.

So where should you start if this is all new to you? Slowly is essential, to enable you to listen to your body until you feel ready to do a little more. A brisk walk, swimming, low-impact aerobics or dance class are all great ways to get moving during pregnancy. Or maybe you would prefer a class, especially for pregnant women? There is plenty on offer. Whatever you choose, make sure you enjoy it and can talk throughout.











Still not buying it? What if I told you that exercising during pregnancy might make your labour and delivery shorter and easier due to increased stamina and strength? As well as reducing the need for intervention such as forceps and/or pain relief? Exercise can also help you stay within a healthy weight range, meaning less effort after birth trying to lose your baby weight! It could help you sleep better, feel more energised and reduce the common pregnancy aches and pains like pelvic girdle pain. Catching my drift?

If you are now thinking: “Woo-hoo, let’s go!” but have unanswered questions, please don’t hesitate to drop me an email at You won’t regret it!

Debbie from Babyfit xx

To read my other informative guest blogs click here , i'd love you to guest blog if you are a local business mum/ lifestyle blogger just get it touch. Jess

birth story

Guest blogger Alison birth story !


Here is my birth story 2017


Darcey Willow Kamiya Mills, born 25 September 2017 at 11.23pm. Six weeks on and Darcey has settled into the Mills household amazingly well.

Looking back to just before she was born I can remember thinking I’m completely ready to meet her and all the sleep deprivation and nappy changes that would come with her. Oh how I’d forgotten what the reality of that wish was like!

That Monday had been busy. I’d already had a session of reflexology the Friday and again on the Monday morning after I’d been swimming. Plus I took Jasmine to a toddler dance group before rounding the day off with a pregnancy aqua class. It was here that things probably started but I just hadn’t picked up on the signs! When I got home Andy was waiting my arrival mainly because I was bringing pizza!

I felt a little uncomfortable so assumed the ‘all fours’ position and pop, my waters went. We were expecting a nice progressive birth so called my mum to let her know things were starting. We said we’d call in a couple of hours so she knew when to come and be with Jasmine. That was at 9pm and by 10pm mum arrived at which point my surges were intense and I could feel the head. I’d already relaxed in the bath and washed and dried my hair during surges. The tens machine was a saviour! I didn’t feel we could make it to the hospital but Andy was adamant we should go so I reluctantly moved to the car and positioned myself, all fours on the back seat. We parked at the hospital and had to stop three times to breath through the surges before getting to the midwife led unit. After which it felt like 10mins of breathing and Darcey was in my arms. Well it was slightly longer, I’d say about 45mins because she arrived at 11.32pm. All natural and just lovely. We eventually got home at 6am Tuesday morning at which point Jasmine had the surprise of a baby sister as well as her nanny being at home when she woke!

The birth itself was amazingly nice in a strange way! It went from minor discomfort to intense abdominal cramps in such a short space of time it was surreal and even more so was walking out of the hospital a few hours later with our lovely bundle of bubba.

Six weeks on and Darcey has settled into the Mills household amazingly well. Jasmine adores her and we’ve had such lovely support from our friends and family. A massive thanks to Jess for sharing my blog and the fab pictures she’s captured of the girls and I. Treasured family moments of such a precious time.


I hope you enjoyed Alison's birth story , I have loved following her journey and reading her blogs - thank you Alison!


birth story


Introducing my new pregnant guest blogger - find out how she's been feeling in the early stages of pregnancy

Introducing my new pregnant guest blogger October 2017


- find out how she's been feeling in the early stages of pregnancy right here .........


early stages


Congratulations to all you mummies who are sharing their pregnancy journey with me. Isn’t it a rollercoaster!?


Throughout this series I will be sharing with you the highs and lows of my pregnancy; hopefully you’ll have a few chuckles, possibly shed a few tears and generally share this experience with me…I’d love for you to share your own experiences by commenting on these posts.


So this is my fourth pregnancy. I have two beautiful children, a 3 (nearly 4….she likes to remind us daily!) year old girl, and a 2 year old boy. Heartbreakingly we lost our third baby earlier this year after a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks.


Both the pregnancies of my daughter and son were unbelievably…..boring! No sickness, no weird cravings or anything. I wouldn’t have known I was pregnant other than the ever increasing belly and eventually the internal kickboxing experts that were residing in my uterus!


This time it’s a different story. As someone who had never experienced morning sickness I always felt sorry for people who did suffer, but could never truly understand the misery! Now, many of you who have had or are currently experiencing morning sickness will probably think I’m a fraud here, but for me and my experience of pregnancy this time has been bad! Almost constant throughout the whole day….bleugh. To be fair, it lasted only a couple of weeks and it’s all fine again now as I’m back to my base level of ‘boring pregnant lady’ – haha!


I’d love to be able to share with you my odd cravings and weird behaviour, but in truth, with the exception of crippling tiredness, feeling horribly nauseated and craving orange juice (yep – I’m THAT rock n roll!), I have had another fairly straight forward in the early stages of pregnancy.


Beneath the surface of yet another straightforward start to pregnancy, I’ve been dealing with a real emotional rollercoaster. I never thought that I would be one of the 1 in 4 statistic of pregnancy loss, it almost wasn’t perceivable to me given that both of my previous pregnancies had been so straight forward.  But here I am, in that statistic, and trying to deal with the emotions that are left behind.


What was your reaction when you saw that first positive pregnancy test? For many its elation or even fear of the unknown, but for me it was confusion and sadness. Confusion in that this baby is a little bit of a miracle in its conception and sadness in that I immediately knew that I wouldn’t feel the ‘flutter’ of excitement that I had experienced in each of my previous pregnancies. The fear of knowing what can go wrong has extinguished that excitement in full.


We have had an early scan at the NNUH, just to confirm that the positive test was in fact due to a new pregnancy and not ‘left over’ from our miscarriage. It’s always so exciting to see and hear your baby, so I’m looking forward to my next midwife appointment at 16 weeks to see if we can hear baby’s heartbeat! And here is our very active baby.





Rachael will be blogging again in a few weeks i hope you will enjoy her honest blogs on the early stages pregnancy through to the birth next May.


Please read my other blogs , many are guest blogs on useful pregnancy & parenting related topics  here.


And if you are due next year check out this offer & contact me .


Looking for the PERFECT Christmas Present? Check out Fingerprint Jewellery Norwich

Looking for the PERFECT Christmas Present? 2017


.... look no further! Your child's OWN prints and drawings captured on handcrafted jewellery and gifts to cherish forever!



I am very excited that I have been given an exclusive 10% off code from Fingerprint Jewellery Norwich .

I adore my finger print heart necklace , it meas the world to me ! A while back , my Lila hid it in her toy kitchen , it took me weeks to find it ! Safe to say I keep it hidden high when not on me!

If you are sentimental and want some handcrafted and bespoke jewellery of your newborn,  kids drawings, fingers / hand prints or your pets paw prints there are lots of options.

What do they sell?

Beautiful, bespoke, quality, fine silver jewellery personalised with your little ones fingerprints, minature hand/foot prints, photos, drawings and messages. Suitable for Adult prints and messages too, so the perfect present for your loved ones for Christmas.


Fingerprints, handprints, footprints, drawings, kiss prints, handwritten messages, scan pictures and paw prints ALL done via post so location not an issue.


So the best bit use this code JESSW1  to get 10% off your order.


This will be recognised by both their  website/social media pages and pop up shops (if local to Norfolk)


You can see Kim and her team at the Norwich Market with their Keepsake POP up shop.

27 November - 3 December

Personalised jewellery from just £15. Your child's OWN prints and drawings (not forgetting adults and pets!). Ranges for Men/Women and Children. Perfect Christmas presents they  guarantee they will LOVE. Lots of personalised very special gifts. Get help with prints/take away kits/try on/browse range/Special Offers/FREE Xmas craft activity to entertain the children whilst you shop!


Contact them at or quoting JESSW1. For a 10 % discount.


Jess - happy shopping !


Skin care advice for Mums by Norfolk skin expert Louise Thomas-Minns

Skin care advice for Mums by Norfolk skin expert Louise Thomas-Minns- Guest blog 2017



Let me start by saying that I get it. I'm a working Mum & have all the associated guilt that comes when you take ANY time out for yourself! So I'm not being unrealistic when I write this post for you but it's SO Important to take even just 3 minutes morning & night to care for your skin. I am blessed to have a supportive husband which has meant I have always taken this time out however difficult that has been & it reboots me as a person & a Mum.

As a skin therapist for the last 22 years I have treated thousands of faces & a lot of those are Mums. I'm always asked how can I care for my skin when I have limited time? So let me give you my 5 top tips for skin care as a busy Mum...

  1. It really doesn't have to take that long! 3 minutes is my guide. 1 minute for cleansing, 1 minute for serums/eye products & 1 minute to massage, yes massage, your moisturiser in...& that's it!
  2. If like me you get to the 4-7pm time, which any Mum knows can be the toughest time of the day, then get your routine done as soon as your little one/s are in bed rather than leaving it till after you've finished your chores/dinner time & are too shattered, wanting to just fall into bed. I even sometimes do mine when Maggie is in the bath, she likes to watch & join in.
  3. If you feel your time is limited then the most important time of the day is the evening for your routine. Make sure that if all else fails you do a double cleanse to take the day off & thoroughly cleanse the skin & get your moisturiser on.
  4. Get some mask therapy in by sleeping in your mask. Cleanse the skin & apply your mask of choice & leave it on until you wash it off in the morning. (NB This works best if it is a hydrating mask since leaving clay based masks on overnight can be too drawing.)
  5. Invest in a treatment serum! If you're concerned with the signs of sleep deprivation showing then a serum will absorb deeper into the skin & have more active ingredients. Look for Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid, Retinol & Tazman pepper berry.



Louise Thomas-Minns is a Celebrity skin therapist & the founder of the U & your skin facial. Her signature skin care range; Louise Thomas Skin care, launches Spring 2018.

To read more guest blogs click here :)

Pregnancy diaries - due date how to bring on labour?

Pregnancy diaries - due date how to bring on labour? 2017

Week 39/40, and so due date / d-day passes by in the blink of an eye. No sign of labour just one big, solid bump sticking out of my tum threatening to be there for another week (that's my prediction).


All celebrations in the Mills household have ceased. My baby shower being the last. I now am at a loss with no food prep, baking, setting up or washing up!

What's left for me to do then? Beautify of course! Thanks to The Barns Beauty Rooms for my lovely lash extensions. At least my eyes will look reasonably with it after labour. Nails are next, although that's a job for me which will probably involve having to paint Jasmine's too in some shade of pink. Hair is tidy so just need to make sure I make the effort each day to avoid having to arrive at the birthing unit in a fluffy mess looking like Marg Simpson! Of course none of this matters in the slightest. The most important thing is that Baby M arrives safe and sound. I just need to be occupied because clearly I'm not with a 3 year old!

Packing and re-packing my hospital bag is ongoing. Mainly because the sweets need replenishing. Yes, I'll own up to demolishing them the other day. I'm a sucker for fruity jelly sweets!

To counteract the sweet binges I have managed to keep swimming, although I think some of the staff are slightly nervous I'm going to pop when they're on duty! I've also been to Spring gymnastics with Jasmine. Admittedly I tried bouncing a little on the trampoline but nothing occurred.

Batch cooking is done so we have a few meals ready in the freezer, although in my mind it's not the end of the world as Andy does a mean chicken en-croute and part of me feels it's his time to shine in the kitchen ;0) He may have other ideas though.

Back to the matter in hand. When is Baby Mills coming into the world on her due date ? and what natural methods can I try to bring on labour? This is what we've tried so far ... Reflexology by the lovely Ursula Walker at The Alison Rostron Treatment Centre, followed by curry for dinner at 40 weeks, indoor fireworks 40+1 and a walk to the park at 40+2. Not a sausage of movement. Next on the list is pineapple and roast dinner (this is what I had before labour started with Jasmine) so watch this space!





to book in your newborn shoot or have a chat about your photography needs please contact me here

bump photos Norwich

Pregnancies diaries Week 37/38 MLBU birth

Pregnancies diaries Week 37/38 MLBU birth 2017


The end is in sight and so is my MLBU birth,   very soon we'll be seeing Baby M and the back of having hundreds of pillows in the bed, waddling and back ache. I fear I'll have to come to terms with more stretch marks. I know they're to be celebrated but I don't think I'm kind to myself and will feel very conscious of them. Still I know I can't do anything about them it's just one of those things.

On a positive note my iron levels are up and my MLBU birth is round the corner. My hospital bag is packed, give or take a few things and birthing plan sorted. I've finished work and officially on maternity leave plus Jasmine has started back to nursery so my days are slightly lighter and princess role play has calmed down!


My focus has been organising Jasmine's 3rd birthday party which was a success thank goodness.


Andy questioned whether it was the longest children's party ever but we got through it. I completely have every admiration for the bakers out there. I managed to make a butterfly cake for the family gathering we had last week, as requested, but not quite sure it would make a local cake competition let alone GBBO! Still, it was edible with lots of sponge, buttercream and sweets. For the kids party I admit I cheated and bought a cake. I just didn't have enough time, energy or creativity to bake again! As it was Andy and I spent a day prepping everything and hoping the rain would stay away. And it did.

almost due date

guest blogger

Sadly I've finished my pregnancy aqua course, however I'm keeping myself going by fitting in a few pregnancy yoga classes. My back pain has been pretty uncomfortable at times so anything I can do to ease it is worth motivating myself. We've even started sleeping with our pillows at the bottom of the bed so I can lay on my right side and we can still cuddle! One thing I've managed to avoid is any swelling to my feet and ankles and I can still bend down. Result!

I'm also conscious that I need to practice breathing and properly get into the right mindset for birthing. Some might not agree and just say go with it, however I like to feel in control and prepared as much as possible. Which reminds me I need to buy that first 'going home' outfit for Baby M!

I'm now trying to put my feet up more although it's difficult with a 3 year old, when there seems to be washing, ironing and cooking to be done constantly.

MLBU birth

Oh not to mention playing, crafting and pretending. Still we're thoroughly excited about meeting Baby M soon. All I'll say is watch this space as next time I blog I may be introducing our new arrival. In fact feel free to guess her weight, eye colour and the most important of all, will she be born with or without hair.

Goody luck Ali I am super excited for you guys to meet baby M soon! Read all of Ali's other guest blogs starting here