5 things I have learnt as a parent business - guest blog

5 things I have learned as a parent business in Norfolk  2018

I went on maternity, I got made redundant, I found a wonderful part-time job but then my little one got poorly, and I found myself chucking it all in to give myself some breathing space because it got far too overwhelming … and @muffinandpuffinmarketing just sort of ‘happened’

It’s wonderful being able to flex my time and it’s awful trying to keep my spirits afloat as projects and clients chop and change and I’m never entirely sure what the following month will bring.

It has been a fruitful and eye-opening nine months and I thought I would share some of the things I have learnt

  1. Money makes the world go around, but kinship makes it kinder. Don’t always consider money as payment, sometimes collaboration with fellow businesses can get you just as far. Organising a photoshoot with a group of you who can all bring something to the table and then share that content. If you have a friend who is good at writing – ask them for content and bake them a cake. It doesn’t ever hurt to ask and more often than not you’ll lift one another up. Not drag each other


  1. Look at what you are doing, the energy you can waste in comparison can stop you going forward. We all know that social media shows only a certain truth, the best part of ourselves so celebrate it and know that there is always a #bts (behind the scenes)



  1. Always be inspired – remember who you are and create your own CPD – when I worked ‘before’ (as I like to call it) I had regular training and development goal settings with my team and directors. As a freelancer or mum worker, it’s easy to get tied up in the cogs of admin, work, child, repeat … take time to be who you were and who you are and always improve. Go to a gallery if you are creative, go for a walk if you are of the outdoors, see an exhibition, travel if you can, subscribe to a journal, be part of a Facebook group – there are endless opportunities. Don’t stop developing who you are because your business will only bloom as you continue too.


  1. It can be lonely working from home, don’t mistake me – I love working in PJs on the sofa, but I was someone who thrived in an office of like-minded and similar aged people. While I like my own headspace more than ever before, it’s important I touch base with people…. In Norwich we have an amazing mama movement on Instagram and I regularly have laughs and chats over DMs…it’s the closest thing and when we meet in ‘real’ life more often than not we become friends.



  1. I do not have a head for numbers, so it was important for me to be organised, have a great online bookkeeping system and engage with a local accountant. She has put my mind at ease and allowed me to make sure I am completely transparent as my little business grows its legs! I can’t imagine having to do a tax return after a year of ignoring your admin, so take a few hours every month. It will be worth it when HMRC letters pop through your door!

Sophie Lynn

Owner @ Muffin&Puffin

‘A mini marketing company’


www.muffinandpuffin.com -> please note website not currently live

Instagram – @muffinandpuffinmarketing

Facebook – Muffin&Puffin


3 questions to help you confidently parent on your terms - guest blog

3 questions to help you confidently parent on your terms 2018


Parenthood is a rollercoaster of emotions and can be a time in your life when everyone has an opinion on what you “should” be doing, here I’ve suggested 3 questions to help you confidently parent on your terms. I often hear parents doubting their choices and decisions.

Sam James Life Coach Norfolk

From the moment you announce your pregnancy onwards, it can feel like some of the social etiquettes seem to have been forgotten – your great auntie Dot’s next door neighbour seems to feel like they have a right to know the intimate details of any medical appointment you have, people in the supermarket queues feel it is OK to touch your stomach,  strangers want to tell you their horror stories of birth and everyone you meet has an opinion on how you should be parenting (whether they have children or not!).


When you are tired, hormonal and learning this new role as a parent, it can become so confusing about which way to turn, what piece of advice to follow. The best antidote to this is to get really clear on the important things for you and your family unit.

  • Get clear on how you want to be living life on your terms. What are your values and principles, that you want to be living your life by?
  • Think about in years to come when your little people have grown up, how do you want them to describe you as a parent? How do you want them to describe your family?
  • What are your key priorities for you and your family?

You can use these as your blueprint to guide your decisions and choices. When someone offers some well-meaning advice, or something causes you to question yourself, pause and ask yourself, “Am I acting in line with my values and priorities and how I want to parent?”.

Everyone’s parenting journey is unique – each child you have is unique. One thing I confidently will say is there is not one size fits all solution. My parenting journey is unique to me and not a carbon copy of any of my friends. Each of theirs is unique to them. Yours is unique to you. By recognising and accepting that everyone will make different choices, and no-one is right or wrong, will allow you to enjoy being a parent on your terms in a way that feels natural and comfortable for you.







Check out my other guest blogs here.

Raising children to be body positive - The Honest Confessions Of A NICU Mum

Raising children to be body positive 2018

I have never been body positive, or confident in my own skin. Perhaps, that comes from my mum constantly criticizing me. I was always jealous of others and deemed myself not good enough. It has had a devastating impact on my confidence, one that I carried through childhood to now.


I didn’t have the self-confidence of others, and I suffered from eating disorders as a teenager. It wasn’t until after I fell pregnant with Elijah and then again with Harlow, that I realised how much pressure and unrealistic expectation is really out there. There is pressure on is on a new mother to suddenly regain the body she did before she feel pregnant, despite growing and accommodating a human (or two, or three!) and giving birth.


I had two fairly large babies and I found it perplexing that we were being pressurised by what we saw in the media, adverts, and magazines sometimes sadly ones aimed at parents that we were failing if we didn’t fit into our skinny jeans 2 weeks after giving birth. Even family members were telling me towards the end of my pregnancy that the weight will soon come off afterward. Every day I was told I was big, I was small as if my uterus was now up for public discussion.

‘Scummy mummies’

We are made to feel that if we don’t have a full face of makeup and sport a perfect up do we are ‘scummy mummies’. We as a society love to shame others. We are constantly bombarded with images of perfection that do not mirror real life. Even more now we live in the age of social media.

We are told we must change our bodies, our faces, our hair to look like this, to be that and to not accept and be proud of who we are. I am still a very self-conscious person, but I want my two boys to be comfortable on their own skin, to be body positive and to have the self-confidence I never had.

The zipper club

I knew it would be easy for me to pass on my insecurities to my children but I knew I had to be the one to set a good example. Especially with Elijah who has an incision ‘zipper’ scar running down his chest from open heart surgery.

When we took Elijah swimming for the first time I was worried that people would stare, they would look at him and make comments about his chest. A friend of ours at the time was very blunt with me and said, who cares? He should be proud of it. Ever since then I have always promoted body positivity in both of my children.


Slowly, some big brands have cottoned onto the fact that they are responsible to promote body positivity, but we still have a long way to go. The language we use, for example, phrases like ‘plus size’ I believe are still detrimental when actually they are likely to be of an average size that many of us can resonate with.

Real women

I don’t think it was until after I had children that I realised how important it was as a parent to promote body positivity.  I do not hide my body in front of them, as I want them to know what a real body looks like, one that has had two children and given birth twice! I want them to know a woman doesn’t need to wear make up to look pretty, she doesn’t need an elaborate hairdo to fit in with everyone else. That it is okay to feel comfortable being who you are, looking like what you do.


I want to teach them to be accepting of everyone and to never judge anyone just by looks, or by societies expectations of them. I want them to know the adverts that they see and the images on social media aren’t necessarily the real world and to never compare themselves to them.

Most of all, the gift I want to pass onto my children is one I didn’t receive myself, I want them to be truly comfortable in their own skin and proud of who they are.

Vicki Cockerill is a Freelance Content Writer and NICU/CHD Mum to two boys, she authors The Honest Confessions Of A NICU Mum Blog and co-founded the @KnackeredandNorwich Social Club and campaigns for NICU and MMH issues. You can contact her via her blog or social media;

Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Blog

Vicki regularly blogs for me,  along with other guest bloggers check out some here !


Jess x



28 Weeks pregnant my guest blogger is back!

28 Weeks pregnant my guest blogger is back! 2018


28 Weeks pregnant my guest blogger is back! Over to Chelsea.

The nursery is now pretty much complete! We had our larger second bedroom plastered silky smooth, painted in a soft light grey using Farrow and Ball and I’m very lucky to say my clever husband has hand painted a mural of the ‘original’ Winnie The Pooh.

The mural consists of a waving oak tree bristling in the ‘wind’ with Pooh flying up towards the honey bees nest whilst grasping a blue balloon. I’m in Love!! We haven’t gone completely Pooh crazy, just the odd touches whilst still keeping a neutral feel with grey and white star curtains, a white cloud ceiling light with beaded raindrops and grey and white cloud bedding.


The hardest essential we purchased was the baby monitor. We found this extremely difficult as there are so many on the market with mixed reviews, every item had 5* and 1* ratings. Eventually, we decided on the Motorola MBP44 Digital Audio and Video monitor, so good so far, let's see if it lives up to expectations…


We went to a wedding recently and I forgot my wedding outfit…..!!! Baby brain to the max! Luckily I had a jumpsuit I was planning to wear the next day with me so I whipped that out and hopefully I rocked it for the day!?! Pregnancy gives you allowances and everyone's nice to you, I had so many offers of drinks for that day, I was a cheap date with my soda water and elderflower cordial, 50p a drink! Bonus for them, bonus for me!

The day and night before I had Braxton Hicks, which became extremely painful so I rang the midwife in a panic who put me through to the labour ward. I was getting cramps every 10 minutes towards the end so I generally thought I could be in labour at 29 weeks. After a while, they finally cooled off and I started to relax, my little cherub is still bouncing around and was ready for the wedding antics to begin so we went to the ball!


Pregnancy hormones rattle inside your head, which makes you feel annoyed, irritated, upset and lovable all at the same time, I think my body is going through fight or flight mode protecting my baby’s surrounding area. I have no idea why though, our baby life is filled with joyous and caring family and friends who love them before they even know what love is.

Pregnancy is wonderful and strange all at the same time and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Onto the third TRIMESTER...

read Chelsea's other blogs here! she'll be in the studio for her bump photos soon!

When morning sickness is 24/7 guest blog

When morning sickness is 24/7 Norfolk guest blogger Emma from  Adventure of Adam and HG reality Instagram



My first pregnancy

I craved for the pregnancy sickness to start. I didn’t feel pregnant until I had that first wave of nausea. At first I reveled in the fact that I felt sick - finally, I was pregnant and going to be a Mummy. However, as the days wore on, the nausea became more and more debilitating. Then the vomiting started. I would vomit all night long, battle my way into work, vomit in my classroom cupboard, vomit all the way home, sleep for two hours and then repeat the process again. I tried everything - sea sickness bands, ginger, not eating, eating little and often but still the vomiting wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t believe that this was normal. Surely the human race wouldn’t have continued if women felt this ill. In desperation, I went to my doctors. It was the first time I was introduced to the word Hyperemesis Gravidarum - extreme pregnancy sickness.


Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Or HG, is a rare complication of pregnancy that affects around 1% of pregnant women. Clinically, the condition is diagnosed as extreme nausea and/or vomiting that leads to dehydration and weight loss of more than 5% of the pre-pregnancy weight. For me, it felt like I was poisoned. I was unable to eat, drink, function in any way and I needed round the clock care. I was vomiting over 30 times a day. I started on anti-sickness medication but by week 11 I was hospitalised due to dehydration.


My pregnancy with Adam was difficult to say the least. Although pregnancy sickness usually eases after the first trimester, my HG lasted for the entire 9 months. During the 245 days of nausea and vomiting, I took over 2,200 anti-sickness tablets, spent a month in the hospital and was bed bound due to nausea. Any slight movement would lead me vomiting for hours. As a result of the difficult pregnancy, I suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


I have always wanted a large family. During my pregnancy with Adam, I was resigned to having to go through HG again in order to have another child; HG returns in 80% of sufferers. However, my fear of not having another child outweighed my fear of HG. After 5 years of planning and mentally preparing to be ill for 9 months, I fell pregnant with Willow. I took a pregnancy test on a Saturday and started an anti-sickness medication that night but ended up in hospital on the Wednesday for IV fluids. The nausea/ morning sickness and vomiting started much sooner and progressed much quicker the second time around.


HG is not only physically debilitating but also mentally. Nine months is an extremely long time to feel so desperately ill. I couldn’t be a Mummy to my son and was fully dependent on my family for everything. I had suicidal thoughts during my pregnancy - I just wanted the morning sickness to end. Thankfully, this time round I was able to access steroid treatment which eased the vomiting. However, it did not ease the nausea which was still unrelenting day and night. To add further complications, I had pelvic pain (which required crutches and a wheelchair), Gestational Diabetes (where I needed insulin) and Sepsis (which led to hospitalisation). Needless to say I do not thrive during pregnancies!


I documented my HG pregnancy over on Instagram and you can see the reality of what HG sufferers have to go through in order to have children. I now have two beautiful children but know I am not physically or mentally strong enough to withstand another pregnancy.


If you or a friend is suffering from morning sickness I would recommend using the services available at Pregnancy Sickness Support charity. The UK charity works on improving care, treatment and support for women suffering from Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy (NVP) and HG. They can provide one to one support through their network of volunteers, online support via their forum and assistance on their telephone line.


I would not have been able to get through my HG pregnancies without the support of my family, a lot of medication and without help from the Pregnancy Sickness Support charity. I became a trustee of the charity a few years ago and hope that women do not have to feel alone during this debilitating illness.


You can contact Pregnancy Sickness Support via their website, on Facebook, Instagram or access their telephone information line on 024 7638 2020.

Useful websites:





Pregnant and wanting a bump or newborn shoot contact me to have a chat!

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish- guest blog by Vicki 2018


When you’re a parent your needs certainly take a back seat whilst you are looking after your little person's every will, demand and tantrum.


It can be overwhelming and sometimes all you want to do is have a hot coffee and pee on your own.


Self-care today is still seen as a selfish but honestly, taking some time to do what you want to do and how you want to do it can bring back a frazzled parent in the blink of an eye.


But, after putting ourselves on the back burner does anyone really know how to enjoy a bit of "me time" and what you could do?!


Here are some self-care ideas to help you find your mojo again!


  1. Take a long bath on your own. It really is amazing to take a bath on your own surrounded by candles and not bath toys or an inquisitive toddler!


  1. Read a book. When was the last time you put your phone down and turned the TV off and just read a book?


  1. Go make yourself a warm drink! Yes, warm... as it was meant to be enjoyed!


  1. Bing watch a series and no we don't mean Paw Patrol!


  1. Enjoy a treat! Box of choc? Your fav sweets? A cream cake? What's your vice? The only rule you don't share it!


  1. Listen and dance to a song you love (no baby shark!).


  1. Take a nap! It is literally perhaps one of the best feelings in the world to wake up from a well-rested nap!


  1. Go shopping on your own. Can you remember what it was like to go shopping on your own with no little people and just for yourself?!


  1. Light a candle it is funny how something so simple can help alleviate the stress of a tiresome day with the kids!


  1. When all else fails, grab your favourite tipple because at times only a gin will do!


We want to hear what you do to give yourself a bit of me time and self-care?


How often does it happen? Not as much as it should?


Then start today!


Look after yourself, you need to if you want to look after the tiny demanding versions of yourself you created!


Vicki Cockerill

Read lots of our other blogs here


Guest blogger - 17 weeks pregnant

Guest blogger - 17 weeks pregnant - we welcome back Chelsea and catch up on her pregnancy...

Wow! Time is going quickly read about my pregancy below!
I'm now 17 weeks pregnant and It's so nice to feel more like my original self, no more ‘starvation’ feelings (when I had just finished my massive ham, cheese and pickle baguette for lunch) - still my ultimate craving! and the ‘sicky’ feeling has just about sloped off.
My 16 week midwife appointment...
I was really looking forward to this appointment as I knew I could hear my baby's heartbeat during this checkup. Hearing my baby's beautiful singing heartbeat for the first time was amazing. My whole body was filled with utter love and contentment mixed with relief that everything was going well.
I’ve been a constant worrier the entire duration of my pregnancy so far, I'm loving every second of it but I want to make sure I'm not doing/eating anything that could jeopardize the health of my unborn child. I'm writing this blog on whilst on my last ‘couples’ holiday before we become a family, I was terrified about going through the airport security as I was always told they use X-ray scanners… THEY DON'T! I was unbelievably upset after explaining to security that I was pregnant and was told to go through anyway… but it was honestly fine, this is where my superhero husband comes back to calm me with soothing words and reassurance. I've turned into a total shadow of the person I was before, but I'm becoming a mum and I'm getting used to my motherly emotions.
So… When do my weird cravings start?! I kinda like the idea of an obscure ‘must have’ and sending my husband out on errands to find a fix for my latest craze! That's what he's there for right?... jokes aside he's been my rock, he has done so for the past 11 years and it's become more apparent how lucky I am with him being so ‘cool’ about my mood swings, hanger pains and my new frustration at not being able to do the simplest of things.
I now have the start of a beautiful little bump and I love showing it off! I've actually quite enjoyed searching for ‘maternity’ wear as I enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of finding something fashionable and flattering (which is difficult when looking at maternity wear, you literally go from topshop fashion to middle aged fashion). I still want to feel ‘in’ with the world whilst parading my bump proudly and elegantly.
I've never wanted to wish the year away before, but November can't come quick enough! I can't wait and I'm definitely a summer lover.
So… 20 week scan in 3 weeks time! The question is do we find out?!....
An adventure has already begun, why not ride the train and find out who you have been waiting for at the end of the ‘tunnel’.
        Want to read more of Chelsea's blogs on her pregnancy? follow my page and read her first blog here all about when she first found out she was pregnant awww!

dog and baby photographer

Tips on how to handle a newborn and a toddler

 Tips on how to handle a newborn and a toddler - by guest blogger Vicki Cockerill 2018

We all know that babies don't follow the textbooks and parenting manuals. They don't just slip into the Gina Ford sleep routine and now you have an extra factor to consider.... the first small human you created!

So, here are some of our real and honest tips on handling a newborn and a toddler.

No visitors, please!

In those first couple of weeks, each member of the family will be adjusting to the new dynamic. Spend some time on your own and go with the flow of baby and toddler you may be surprised that you develop some sort of loose routine by the end. With some much change, the last thing you need is lots off visitor traffic.

Let it go

As much as you want to shower your firstborn with love to make them still feel special, you also have the constant demands of your baby to think about. Welcome to being a parent of two! An ongoing juggle and overwhelming guilt! Let it go! Let family friends take your toddler out, let them go to Nan's or stick the I PAD on while you feed the baby. You may feel like your neglecting them but if people are willing to help let them! It's only temporary and the balance will realign eventually.

Don't expect too much

Try not to have a fixed idea of what you think those first weeks will be like and make loads of plans. Newborns never nap when you want them too and always feed when they should be asleep! Set yourself a small goal each day, for example, getting everyone dressed by 10! It doesn't even matter if you don't go out at least you've achieved it. Don't put lots of pressure on yourself to get out and about. Spend some time transitioning as a bigger family. When you expect to do too much and don't do it there is then a sense of failure. Try to be easy on yourself and don't expect too much. You're now in charge of two humans!

Make it easy

It really will be a savior for those chaotic times where you need to get out of the house, on time! Lay out everyone's clothes and pack bags the night before. Batch cook meals or at least plan what you will have each day. Do the shopping online or go on your own/ get a partner to do it rather than trying to do it with two kids.

One of the most important things to remember when handling a newborn and a toddler is to do what works for you. It won't be like this forever but in the meantime make it as easy as you can for yourself. There are no points for doing it all and you will feel so much better if you relax, be kind to yourself and enjoy it.














Vicki Cockerill is a NICU/ CHD Mum of two boys, a freelance blogger and social media adviser, Co Founder of #KnackeredandNorwich social club and maternal mental health advocate.








You can read my other blogs about the studio, pregnancy guest blogger , more top tips here !

Considering booking a newborn shoot? Please check out these oh so cute babies in my newborn gallery,  so you can see simple and natural newborn images really are timeless!



New guest blogger - first time mum !

Introducing my new guest blogger and shes a first time mum, here is how the first trimester has gone !


The Ultimate Rollercoaster in the best way possible, who’d have thought all pregnancies could be so different, I’ve been very lucky to be sharing my exciting journey with my Bestie ‘kinda sista’.



I'm now 13 weeks pregnant with my first child and she is 5 weeks ahead with her first, we are both going to be a first time mum. After hearing of her bad morning sickness I had prepared for the worst and been lucky to come out the other side with no ‘actual’ sickness just feeling incredibly unwell.

It’s strange how the body works, one minute I feel so sick with chronic backache I’m not sure what to do with myself… the next second I’m so ravenous I’m stuffing my face with monster munch in an effort to cure my hanger pains. My husband knows only too well how hangry I can now get.

Finding out i was pregnant didn’t turn out quite how I had expected. I had downloaded the ‘Natural Cycles app’ (You MUST get this it’s the best thing I could have ever done). It tracks your personal menstrual cycle and ovulation days so you can decide to try or not to try for a baby using the thermometer along with the app.

I’d been using it for a couple of months with no luck then suddenly the app flashed up ‘Take a pregnancy test’ So I did, I’ve done a few before with no luck. So I wasn’t getting my hopes up. Then there it was ‘Pregnant 1-2 weeks’ my husband and I just stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

It’s obviously the news we have been waiting so long for, I’d dreamt of us crying with happiness but we just stared at each other in shock and I then got a nervous bellyache (not quite what I had expected). I then googled everything, sometimes it’s best not too as I’m now terrified of eating anything or doing anything just in case it’s harmful.




It makes you wonder how people had children so long ago, we have so many rules now, even basil and fennel are considered a no go! Who’d have thought it?! but I guess we now know so much more…

Seeing our baby for our 12 week scan was incredible I couldn’t help but let a few tears to run down my cheeks, how could something so small be so beautiful, tossing and turning and letting out some stretches, making us and the midwife laugh out loud, she said the baby moves more when I laugh as it can feel I’m happy and that’s a wonderful theory.

I bought 3 scan photos, one for us, one for each of our parents as a keepsake. We opted for the combined scan to check for everything, and I now have one hell of a bruise from my blood test… i don’t mind but i’d like the use of my arm again, but... this IS an excuse to get out of chores, maybe I’ll keep it up a little longer…



I’ve had the best 3 months full of ups and downs and everything in between, whilst messaging my best friend with ‘can we eat this’ or ‘What about if I do this’ and ‘OMG I’ve just discovered…’  laughing about our ever-expanding bellies, the human body is a wonderful thing, surprising you with how bloody clever it is. I’m so lucky to be sharing my story with so many happily pregnant beauties. Bring on November I’m more than ready to start an unbelievable adventure as a first time mum.

With Love Chelsea xoxo

Find more useful and guest blogs click here.



Guest blog: The secret to goal success for busy parents by Sam James Coaching

Guest blog: The secret to goal success for busy parents by Sam James Coaching.  2017


Are you fed up with feeling like your goals are bottom of the priority list? Do you feel like by the time you get round to doing your things, you’ve run out of willpower and energy?


As a parent you are busy juggling lots of different hats, and it can be exhausting at the best of times. Combine it with sleep deprivation and it can be a real motivation killer! So how can you start to tackle this, I hear you ask?!


The answer is in two parts. Planning and self-care.


Let’s talk planning for your busy life

Let’s tackle planning first. I am sure you have heard people say, “Make sure it is realistic” loads of times when talking about goal planning. Often this focuses on whether it is realistic for your abilities and the time that you have before the deadline. It very rarely takes the rest of your life into context and all the hats that you are juggling.


You could put together an awesome training plan for running a half marathon, and cover all the top tips that are out there, yet still not succeed. Often, this is because life is continuing to happen around you and your awesome plan, having an impact on your. I often hear the phrase “life keeps getting in the way!” So, make a plan that allows for this.


You need to adapt your plan to allow for life. Follow these steps to help you create a robust plan that will work for you and your family:

  1. Grab some paper, and draw 3 columns.
  2. Column 1: List all the different hats that you are juggling (eg family, work, friends, home)
  3. Column 2: What impact will my goal have on this part of my life?

When you start focussing on a goal, and working towards it, it will have a ripple effect in other areas of your life. There may be additional consequences in these areas, that you feel are worth it but until you consider it you won’t know. You might need to talk it through with other people to explain what’s going to happen. (Eg will you need to postpone a DIY project? will you have less time to spend with family? Will you need to ask for help?)

  1. Column 3: What impact will this part of my life have on my goal?

These are the things that are so often overlooked, that take you away from your plan and then you get frustrated with yourself for not sticking to your plan that week. Whereas, if you adapt your plan, accept there will be less progress some weeks, it is much kinder to yourself, and will allow you to stay on plan. Eg do you have a holiday booked which will reduce your progress for those few weeks? Do you have a pressured time at work that will require extra hours? Is your partner away for work? Do you have family coming to visit?

  1. Revisit your plan with this list in mind, and adapt it accordingly. If it is a long-term plan, I would recommend a monthly revisit to your list of hats you are juggling, to see what else is coming up.





Are you nourishing yourself?

Before embarking on a new challenge or goal, it is always worth taking time to check if you are nourishing your whole self, enough. I often speak with people who are feeling frustrated at their lack of motivation or will power. When we explore what else is happening for them, we often identify that they are running on empty in some area of their lives. You will not be able to keep going when faced with adversity, if you are already running on a part empty tank.


I’m a big advocate of reviewing and refining your self-care practices as part of your preparation for any goals. These promises you make to yourself, to nourish your whole being will make sustaining the other changes or goals a lot easier.


Grab another piece of paper and write down all the different things that you can do for yourself that act as a recharge, or replenish you in some way. Remember, self-care doesn't have to take all day, or be quiet time alone; it can also be exhilarating activities, doing things with others, as quick as a few minutes. Some examples to get you started:

  • Listening to music
  • Mindfulness
  • Catching up with a friend who leaves you feeling inspired / uplifted
  • Going outside for 5 minutes
  • Exercise that you enjoy
  • Reading a book
  • Saying No to things
  • Saying Yes to things you would normally say no to
  • Buying yourself some flowers to bring the outside, inside
  • Having an early night


For more tips on this, you can find more on my blog.



And my biggest tip, is to remember that you are human, you are doing the best that you can with you what you have right now. Be kind to yourself with the expectations you set for yourself.



More guest blogs can be found here - thank you Sam I hope this helps some of you reach your goals.