Tips on how to handle a newborn and a toddler – by guest blogger Vicki Cockerill 2018
We all know that babies don’t follow the textbooks and parenting manuals. They don’t just slip into the Gina Ford sleep routine and now you have an extra factor to consider…. the first small human you created!
So, here are some of our real and honest tips on handling a newborn and a toddler.
No visitors, please!
In those first couple of weeks, each member of the family will be adjusting to the new dynamic. Spend some time on your own and go with the flow of baby and toddler you may be surprised that you develop some sort of loose routine by the end. With some much change, the last thing you need is lots off visitor traffic.
Let it go
As much as you want to shower your firstborn with love to make them still feel special, you also have the constant demands of your baby to think about. Welcome to being a parent of two! An ongoing juggle and overwhelming guilt! Let it go! Let family friends take your toddler out, let them go to Nan’s or stick the I PAD on while you feed the baby. You may feel like your neglecting them but if people are willing to help let them! It’s only temporary and the balance will realign eventually.
Don’t expect too much
Try not to have a fixed idea of what you think those first weeks will be like and make loads of plans. Newborns never nap when you want them too and always feed when they should be asleep! Set yourself a small goal each day, for example, getting everyone dressed by 10! It doesn’t even matter if you don’t go out at least you’ve achieved it. Don’t put lots of pressure on yourself to get out and about. Spend some time transitioning as a bigger family. When you expect to do too much and don’t do it there is then a sense of failure. Try to be easy on yourself and don’t expect too much. You’re now in charge of two humans!
Make it easy
It really will be a savior for those chaotic times where you need to get out of the house, on time! Lay out everyone’s clothes and pack bags the night before. Batch cook meals or at least plan what you will have each day. Do the shopping online or go on your own/ get a partner to do it rather than trying to do it with two kids.
One of the most important things to remember when handling a newborn and a toddler is to do what works for you. It won’t be like this forever but in the meantime make it as easy as you can for yourself. There are no points for doing it all and you will feel so much better if you relax, be kind to yourself and enjoy it.
Vicki Cockerill is a NICU/ CHD Mum of two boys, a freelance blogger and social media adviser, Co Founder of #KnackeredandNorwich social club and maternal mental health advocate.
You can read my other blogs about the studio, pregnancy guest blogger , more top tips here !
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