24 week scan and twin blog
24 week scan and twin blog
One of the best things about having a twin pregnancy so far is that I get to see the twins every 4 weeks at scans. In a singleton pregnancy it’s a long time to go from 20 weeks to then seeing baby in the flesh!
At my 24 week scan both boys were weighing (according to their measurements) 1lb 13oz with just 16g (a chunk of chocolate) between them. It was a relief to know that all was well, but very much dreading the later weeks of pregnancy and how big I’ll end up being.
At the moment I go home after my scans and log in for my virtual consultant appointments. With everything being straightforward so far, these have been very short. One thing I’m having to consider though is delivery. I was so fortunate with my first two pregnancies to have natural deliveries in the maternity led birthing unit without any pain relief or complications etc. I know though with there being twins this time that it’s not going to be so straightforward! Everything about natural delivery with twins terrifies me, from the epidural (which they prefer to do with twins), and possibilities of induction, assisted delivery/ intervention to the delivery of one and then needing an emergency c-section for the second. Although I know there are also risks with a c-section and the recovery is often longer it terrifies me a little less and I feel it will be a more controlled environment. But then I also know I might not have any choice about how these boys need to come out!
Pelvic pain
In my previous blog I mentioned about pelvic pain which I’ve been struggling with since about 17 weeks. It’s specifically pain in my pubic bone and I had this with in my second pregnancy and received physio for it, but this time it has started much sooner. It basically feels like constant pressure on my pubic bone and hurts when I walk, when I sit for too long, when I’m standing for too long, lifting my legs, lying in bed etc. I had my first physio appointment over the phone at 23 weeks, which despite initial hesitations as to how that would work, let alone help, it was actually really helpful. We had a long call whereby she asked me lots of questions and got me to do different movements to try and ascertain what was going on and what might help. She gave me some really useful tips and advice as well as some exercises I can do to try and strengthen the muscles supporting the pelvis. I was sent a huge tubigrip support band to wear whilst out and about to help lighten the load. It’s something I know won’t get significantly better whilst pregnant, but at least this will hopefully help prevent it from getting much worse. It will only improve once the twins have arrived so in the meantime I’ve got to hold on in there! The next appointment will hopefully be in-person, covid permitting.
Over these last few weeks I’ve been meeting other twin mums which has really helped me to mentally prepare and I’m fortunate to know a couple of twin mummies. Hearing their experiences and tips and advice has helped to make things feel a little less daunting. Although I’ve still found it overwhelming at times with everything that will be coming our way. I’ve also found it helpful speaking with other mummies that have had c-sections and about their birth stories and recoveries. It honestly feels like I’m a first time mum again! Everything is so different this time round.
Maternity leave
Even though maternity leave is still some time away, our thoughts and planning have already turned to childcare. I’ve been really surprised and disappointed by the lack of financial childcare support available for parents of multiples. It’s not as though we choose to have more than one child at a time and given the huge cost of childcare for one child let alone two, it gives some couples little choice other than not to return to work. Knowing two places are harder to secure than one and weighing up the financial cost of nursery, child minders and whether it’s even financially feasible to return to work at all has been playing on our minds since we found out we were having twins. Also this time round we don’t have family helping with childcare as we have in the past which raises the cost more. So much to consider! We’ve put plans in place over these last few weeks and fortunately work still seems to be feasible and we have a few childcare options available. Things will definitely be tight until their three-year funding comes in though!
13 weeks now left to go (unless they decide to come early) and hoping I can last until 33 weeks working so I can make the most of maternity leave with the twins.
read Kate’s other blogs here.
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