Pregnancy diaries – 29/ 30 weeks pregnant 2017


wheredo I start? It’s been a mixed bag of things this past couple of weeks really. My emotions have been heightened and I’ve had a couple of teary moments for no particular reason. I had news from the midwife that my iron levels have dropped a little low which made me feel pants, but I’ve sprung into action and am eating beans and spinach at every meal. Fingers crossed that does the trick. Andy’s suggestion to boost my intake was to make sure I get the ironing board out every day.  #joker #nochance


Jasmine has now finished nursery for the summer, which brought a tear to my eye and it struck me that I need a plan of action to keep her busy, as well as making sure I can put my feet up. Yeah right! Luckily the local Children’s Centres have holiday activities we can get involved with as well as pottering at home. Oh we’ve already started with baking! Plus I need to get Jasmine riding her bicycle by the end of the summer so I can avoid getting a double buggy.














Birthing has also been on my mind which for some reason I feel a little apprehensive about. Entirely no reason to as I had a lovely birthing experience with Jasmine. I know once we have our hypnobirthing refresher and Jackie Heffer-Cooke has worked her magic I’ll be focused and feel more at ease with my S-breathing and feather breathing!

I feel a little bit out on a limb in that people assume because you’ve had one child you’ll be fine with another. No doubt I will but I still want to do some new things so I’ve signed up for pregnancy aqua with Babyfit which kicks off next week. As well as having some ‘me’ time I’m looking forward to being around other pregnant women. #watermumma

Baby names are still bubbling around and we’ve been talking about what baby M will look like. I have everything crossed that if nothing else she will have curly hair like mine. Only time will tell! I’m also hoping she’s not gonna be such a sicky baby like Jasmine was. I can’t think how many muslins we got through a day!

On a more practical note, we’ve sorted the nursery and have unearthed all the baby grows and clothes that we kept of Jasmines. Nothing like recycling!

I’m now equipped with a birthing ball and foam roller which have helped to ease my creaking body. Pelvic pain has been manageable but I’ve had days this week where I’ve felt really ‘low down’ and achy. I’m sure a lot of you mums out there can relate to this, especially second time round. It’s all slightly more puffy 😉 Plus the third trimester is growing time so with baby M at around 1.5kgs extra weight on top of that is bound to put the pressure on!

Here’s to another 12 weeks of growing that special little girl of ours. (Officially 10 but the mills-o-meter says 12). #cantwaittomeetbabyM

Read Ali’s other instalments here