Watch me Grow – Leo’s first year in photographs 2016


Leo’s first year in photographs, he came to me first as a newborn and was super chilled and a little dream to photograph. I fell in love with his little features and head full of hair!


Baby milestone photographer Norwich Baby milestone photographer Norwich Baby milestone photographer Norwich


His parents booked onto my Watch me grow package – which is all about capturing your baby first year in photographs and milestones at 4 months, 8 and 12 months. I now offer the same 3 session package at 6 , 12 and 18 months . These 3 sessions are discounted to returning parents.


Leo came back at 4months old and mum brought along his christening gown – i love it when parents bring sentimental items .

Baby milestone photographer Norwich

Leo was proud & happy to show off his tummy time skills!


I saw Leo again at 8 months old, I adore smiley images but I also love capturing more serious and thoughtful expressions like this first one. By 8 months he was crawling backward and sitting up beautifully.


Baby milestone photographer Norwich (1) Baby milestone photographer Norwich Baby milestone photographer Norwich

I feel very lucky to have captured Leo’s first year, it’s very special to capture his first year in photographs. And see these newborn babies grow and change.  I just love his little cheeky face, he became such a little chatterbox . It still amazes how much happens in a baby’s first year. It really is full of milestones.


Baby milestone photographer Norwich (15)

For the Watch me Grow Package, you can opt-in for a cake smash to be added onto the birthday session. Read all about a Cake Smash here.


Baby milestone photographer Norwich Baby milestone photographer Norwich

Leo adored the cake, some babies eat it very delicately, some prefer to hit and smash it. Either way, we don’t rush and we let the babies explore their birthday cake – made by a local baker and Mum Vanilla Cloud Bakery.


What did Leo’s parents make of the experience ?

” We have absolutely loved having Jess photograph Leo’s first year. He has grown so fast and having the Baby’s first year Plan (now called the Watch Me Grow Package) has meant we have a record of this significant period.

At each of the 4 sessions, Jess would put us all at our ease immediately and always managed to capture his personality, including little traits he had at each stage.

Jess created a relaxed atmosphere and would offer brilliant ideas, whilst capturing anything we particularly wanted.

The 4 sessions enabled us to build a strong relationship with Jess and the pictures prove this with a little boy acting so naturally. We are so thrilled with these memories of Leo’s first year and are looking forward to Jess continuing to capture Leo’s journey in the years to come.”


For me , seeing families time and time again is a real privilege and very special. I adored capturing Leo,  and many other babies I have seen on this package over the last couple of years !

If you have had a newborn shoot with me you can book this special package use the ‘Contact tab’ or my form here to book in.


Jess   x