Motherhood blog 0-3 months
Motherhood blog 0-3 months
It’s 1:30 am and as another night feed goes ahead I often find myself looking at Aubrey in the light of our nightlight reflecting on our time as a family so far. Most will know the sleep deprivation is hard but overall I think we have been very lucky, as Aubrey appeared to set herself a routine waking twice a night fairly consistently. It’s safe to say though this first 3 months have gone by in a flash.
The brutal reality of recovering from birth hit me hard. Following our assisted delivery in theatre with episiotomy and forceps, the pain persisted for several weeks. I think I felt comfortable by around 4-5 weeks, but the pelvic floor weakness still bothers me now. However, I pushed myself to get out and we enjoyed early sensory classes and more recently some baby massage. I have also been very lucky with the time I get to spend with friends and their babies.
Big thanks to Lucy for her second blog – we met recently as seen in the photos above.
Aubrey was full of character and chatter, she is a sweet age discovering the world.
You can read Lucy’s first blog here.
Jess x
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