Best places to get breastfeeding advice in Norfolk 2018


Breastfeeding gives new mothers a wonderful opportunity to bond with their babies. However, it is not always easy and a lot of women, and babies, can struggle to get used to their new feeding routine. I did first time round , I remember sobbing on day 3 or 4 as my son was just screaming at me and shaking his head around like a zombie baby. Getting a little bit of help and support at this crucial time can make a huge difference to Mums who are finding breastfeeding a challenge.


If you’ve recently had a baby and are looking for help with breastfeeding, here are a few fantastic resources for you to turn to.

Breastfeeding Norfolk


One of the best places to get high quality support in the county is Breastfeeding Norfolk. Jan and Nikki offer one-to-one visits and a wealth of expertise, Breastfeeding Norfolk can help with everything from difficulty latching on to easing concerns about your baby’s weight gain.


Sian Aldis


Like Breastfeeding Norfolk, Sian Aldis offers new mothers one-to-one help and advice on all things to do with feeding. With years of experience working in the area, she’s the perfect person to support you through these first crucial days, weeks and months.


Association of Breast Feeding Mothers


If you’re looking for information about anything to do with breastfeeding, the Association of Breast Feeding Mothers is a great place to start. The organisation offers training courses for midwives and runs a helpline where women can get advice and information on issues related to the topic. There’s also a magazine, a list of recommended books and resources and an online shop where you can pick up more leaflets and products.


La Leche League


Another organisation that works to support mothers is La Leche League. As well as offering a wealth of resources on its site, the group also runs support meetings for mums and a Facebook page for anyone interested in the issue. If you’re especially committed to the breastfeeding cause, you can even run a group of your own or apply to become a volunteer for La Leche League,


If you’d like to find out about other useful and important resources for new parents in the Norfolk area, or if you’re interested in learning more about the photography services I offer, explore please get in touch today.


breastfeeding advice in Norfolk