Pregnancy diaries – 33/34 weeks pregnant third trimester
I am in my third trimester! Birthing, does my mind feel in control? At the moment on and off! Although I think that’s more a reflection of how I’m feeling at the moment, as I know I can do it. In fact, the birthing toolkit workshop with Jackie Heffer-Cooke from the Orange Grove was brilliant and has refreshed our minds on lots of things. Andy is confident he knows how to breath down and out of his vagina so all is good! I feel more comfortable about it all too and at the end of the day Baby M has got to come out sooner or later. Fingers crossed we can make it another relaxing natural birth.
It feels like these past two weeks have been long and tiring. I’ve experienced a day and night of rib pain which I can only liken to having a broken rib (not that I’ve had one). I managed to stretch that out, only to be greeted with excruciating abdominal pain. Now I like having a bath but spending two hours in one trying to ease the pain and get Baby M to move was not my idea of relaxing. I am lucky in that I made a teary call to my mum who came and took me to the doctors as well as looking after Jasmine for a day or two. I wasn’t concerned for Baby M at all I just wanted to understand where the pain was coming from.
My instincts were telling me the baby position, stretching muscles combined with overdoing lifting Jasmine. Oh, and I did find myself in a pit of foam blocks at Mini Springers (gymnastics at UEA) which wasn’t easy to get out of. Probably not my finest hour! In the back of my mind, I had thought appendix which the GP did mention. The whole scenario ended up with Andy taking me to the hospital Delivery Suite, who was brilliant, and made a number of checks. Four hours later nothing was conclusive, but my mind was happier and the pain had subsided. Touch wood, since then all has been fine. Aside from having a cold. Oh, pregnancy, the gift that just keeps on giving!
Onto nicer things, we’d been visiting family in Lowestoft and on returning home I was welcomed by ‘Dixie’ the cutest little caravan sitting in our drive all set up by Dolly & Belles for a baby shower afternoon tea. A couple of months after Jasmine was born we did a course of baby massage. I made some great friends and three years on five of us still catch up which is great for our sanity and lovely to see the kids grow up together. They were behind this surprise, oh and of course Andy loves being in on a little secret mission too! Thank you lovely ladies for ‘showering’ me with baby love.
I’ve read that from now till birth my weight gain will be Baby M and not me. Mmmm, best stop eating those pastries and icecream now then! Roughly about half a pound a week and she’s gaining brown fat which isn’t the wobbly stuff we get, it keeps the baby warm and protects against hypothermia in the first few weeks after birth. All very clever stuff in my eyes. That aside probably a good idea to get any photos taken now before my face fills out like a doughnut!
The lovely Jess Wilkins has worked her magic and finally shot the infamous bump! All will be revealed in my next posting.
Till then I’ll leave you with a little meme which made me chuckle … ‘You know you’re in the 3rd trimester when you drop something on the floor and walk away muttering ‘f**k it!’ Oh I’m definitely in that place!
Wanting to book a bump, baby and beyond shoot feel free to message me via my contact form for a chat.
best wishes
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